Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Saturday, January 1, 2011

What Makes a Wife Excellent - Proverbs 26-31

An excellent wife is faithful to her husband (Prv 31:11-12). She has never given him one single reason not to trust her complete faithfulness to him. She never flatters another with her eyes. She never flirts with another by her speech. She’s faithful, and he knows it.

An excellent wife cares for the needs of her household (vv13-15). She does not exist to be served but to serve. Her delight is in the upkeep and maintenance of her home not as one who needs to be kept and maintained.

An excellent wife is prudent and a good steward (vv16-19). She’s not wasteful. She’s not afraid of work. She plans ahead.

An excellent wife is giving (v20), prepared (v21), and pleasing (v22).

An excellent wife makes her husband a better man (v23)!

An excellent wife is a true woman! She is strong in character, wise in heart, kind in word, and never idle (vv24-27).

An excellent wife is loved most by the ones she loves the most, her children and husband (v28).

She didn’t get this way overnight. Her character is not beyond reach for today’s women. All of these traits are outgrowths of an inner core beauty, deeper than outward beauty which fades. She loves and fears the Lord, and this has fashioned her into a lovely, beautiful, excellent wife (vv29-31).
