Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Faithful Prophet - 2 Chron 17-20

Micaiah was a prophet of the Lord during the reign of Ahab over Israel. Ahab had gathered around him 400 prophets who somehow seemed to prophesy in Ahab’s favor every single time! There was one man, though, who stood alone. There was one man who would not be bought or threatened. There was one man who considered God’s approval above that of Ahab. That man was Micaiah. He was the faithful prophet!

Micaiah declared in 2 Chronicles 18:13, “As the Lord lives, what my God says, that I will speak.” That was his job as a prophet, but more than that, it was his calling, his life. He was to speak to others what God had spoken to him, and he was committed to please the Lord no matter if he never pleased man.

As a result of his commitment to the Lord, Micaiah was not favored by Ahab, and he suffered under Ahab’s angry resentment of God’s truth. First, Ahab said of him, “I hate him, for he never prophesies good concerning me, but always evil” (18:7). In other words, Ahab was not concerned with truth, just with prophets who agree with him! When Micaiah would not abide by his wishes, he hated him. Second, when Micaiah stood for the truth, Ahab seized him and threw him in prison (18:25-26)!

Dear fellow believers and especially fellow pastors, if we stand for truth, proclaim truth, and refuse to please man we will suffer at some time, in some way! Some will hate us, despise us, reject us, and do all they can to silence us! Just remember, pleasing God does not necessarily mean never going to jail! It simply means staying true to his Word! In the end, Micaiah was right, and those 400 other prophets were wrong!

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