Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, June 28, 2010

On the Spot Praying - Neh 1-3

Nehemiah is greatly troubled. As a servant in a foreign land, he has heard of the devastation of his homeland. Jerusalem is in shambles. The wall is broken down, and the people are acting shamefully. Nehemiah is brokenhearted, and he can’t hide his feelings! He prays for the Lord to send him back to Jerusalem to repair the wall and call the people to repentance. Now if anyone can do this, it will be Nehemiah because he is cupbearer to the king!

The king notices that his cupbearer is downcast. This is not good for the king, and he questions Nehemiah, “What are you requesting?” At that moment Nehemiah prays on the spot! “So I prayed to the God of heaven” (2:4). This prayer could not have been more than a few seconds. More than likely the words of this prayer were not even mouthed with his lips. He simply in his mind begged God for grace, wisdom, and help. Then, he answered the king. He did a remarkable thing and asked the king to send him back to Jerusalem! Imagine that! The cupbearer asked permission to return home!

God answered his on-the-spot prayer! Nehemiah says, “And the king granted me what I asked, for the good hand of my God was upon me” (2:8). The king granted what Nehemiah requested because God had granted what Nehemiah requested! God hears on-the-spot praying! Sometimes on-the-spot praying is the most intense and most earnest praying that we do. If we stop for a split second and ask God for help it usually means that we are facing incredible circumstances and we need help fast. We need God. We completely depend on him. God hears those kinds of prayers! Sometimes on-the-spot, split second praying is the best prayers we pray!

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