Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Will of God - 1 Thess 4

This is a question that sometimes drives believers to the edge of their minds and souls. What is God’s will for me? Usually, this happens when a decision or crossroads is before us. Is it God’s will for me to take Path A or Path B? Is it God’s will for me to go to college here or here? Is this church the place God would have me serve? What is God’s will for me in this situation?

Paul answers that question in the broadest sense. “For this is the will of God, your sanctification” (4:3). If what lies at the bottom of our hearts in asking and wondering and worrying about all the specifics is that we foremost desire to please God, then this verse will forever set us at ease. God’s will for us, the way in which we will glorify and please God with our lives, is to grow in Christ!

The will of God for us is to continually grow in the likeness of Christ! To be sanctified. To be increasingly set apart from the world and increasingly conformed to Christ. To pursue holiness and put off the desires of the flesh! This is God’s will. This is the answer to the question that nags us so often. What is God’s will for me? Be like Christ!

When sanctification becomes our platform for life, some of these secondary, specific questions are answered. When standing at a crossroads, which way will lead you to grow in holiness? When the choices before us seem to be equally good, it is not which one you will choose that matters most, but how you will conduct your life when you do choose a path. God’s will is your sanctification! Live for Him. Love Him. Let go of this world and cling to all God is for us in Christ. That is God’s will for us!

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