Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

On the Hunt - 2 Chron 13-16

2 Chronicles 16:9 reads, “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him.” God is on the hunt! He is daily, constantly canvasing the globe in search of hearts blameless toward him. And when he finds those hearts, he strongly supports those people. Consider these three observations.

First, what an image of the Lord this creates! The eyes of the Lord running to and fro throughout the whole earth, searching, piercing, discerning, looking past the surface and into the heart, detecting true blamelessness from false religious facades, pinpointing the favored few out of the many. The Lord’s eyes will run the course of humanity today, and they will glide over us. Will they stop? Will he find our hearts blameless toward him?

Second, what does it mean for the heart to be blameless toward God? We know it does not mean “sinless.” Given the context of the verse, it probably does not mean “believer” as in being “blameless in Christ.” It seems to mean that you fully trust God in a given situation, and you rely on him, not on self or others. Asa was being chided by Hanani for resorting to the king of Syria to help defeat Israel instead of trusting in God. God had already defeated the large Ethiopian army? Why not trust him now? Wherever we find ourselves today, we should ask ourselves, “Why NOT trust him now?”

Third, what does it mean for God to strongly support a person with a blameless heart? Simply out, it means that God will bring about the best solution for whatever the scenario may be.

Trust him completely today - He’s looking for those who do!

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