Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Sunday, October 31, 2010

That Day is Today - Joel

Romans 10:13 is one of the more beloved verses of the Bible. “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Before Paul sent these words in an epistle, Joel declared these words as prophecy. Joel 2:32 “And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Precious, powerful truths are revealed as this OT promise is now a NT reality. First, the day to come in Joel is today! Just as Paul quotes Joel in Romans, so does Peter in Acts 2 while delivering his Pentecost sermon. Peter announces Joel’s prophecy is fulfilled (Acts 2:16).

Second, Paul clarifies who the “everyone” of Joel is. Just before quoting Joel in Rom 10:13, Paul says in Rom 10:12, “For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing His riches on all who call on Him.” “Everyone” means the Gospel is not exclusive to one ethnicity but rather is extended to every tribe and language! Even though the Messiah is a Jew, His salvation is for “everyone,” that is, the Gospel is not restricted by lineage, gender, or social standing (Gal 3:28)!

Third, Paul equates “Jesus” in Rom 10:13 with “the Lord (Yahweh)” of Joel 2:32. There is no doubt that Joel is referring to Yahweh in Joel 2. In like manner, Paul is clearly means Jesus when he says “Lord” in Rom 10! Rom 10:9,13 “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord (that is, that Jesus is Yahweh!) . . . you will be saved . . . For (that is, now comes the explanation) everyone who calls on the name of the Lord (that is, Jesus) will be saved!”

Fourth, today is then the day of salvation for EVERYONE who will believe, worship, and follow the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Cor 6:2)!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

There is Only One - Hos 12-14

13:4 “But I am the Lord your God from the land of Egypt; you know no God but Me, and besides Me there is no savior.”

There is only one God. That does not mean that a multitude of other creatures, people, and fabrications do not parade around as if they were a god! Being made, prayed on, and told you are a god does not make you God though! Convincing scores of people to bow down to you does not make you God. False gods do abound, but a false god by nature is not God.

Worshipping any other god besides the true God is idolatry. It is one thing to reject the living God; it is quite another to replace Him with a phony, insufficient substitute. Rejection plus replacement equals idolatry. Replacements come in all forms of creation, material and ideological. In the end though, all false gods are images of self. Idolatry is at its core the worship of self. False gods are not gods at all. They are just self with a real high view of self! There is only one God.

If there is only one God, then it stands to reason there is only one Savior! If all other gods are false gods, then all other gods cannot solve our deepest problems. If all other gods essentially boil down to self, then we are truly lost. We cannot save ourselves! This is why we fabricate gods to begin with. We know down deep inside something is wrong with us, something is beyond us, and we need help. That is why we all worship something, whether it be a statue or our own intellectualism. In the end, however, we simply cannot correct the massive corruption that lies in our hearts. We need a savior. We need a true savior. There is only one. His name is Jesus!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Handling a Hardening Heart - Hos 9-11

Breaking up hardened soil is hard work. Once the surface has been packed by travel, cemented by rain, and baked by the sun, its like concrete rather than dirt. The only solution is back-breaking work with pics and plows. It is not only hard work, it is necessary work, especially if you are a farmer. You simply can’t afford to sit by idly and watch some ground become unusable. You need to use that plot; you can’t lose that plot.

The way of hardened ground is an illustration of a hardened heart. Just like the soil in the elements, hearts, left to their own inclinations, will become hardened to the things of God. They will be packed down by constant sin, cemented by vain philosophy, and baked by the heat of wayward passions. Just like the hardened soil, the hardened heart must be broken up. Once the soil is loosened and refreshed, it will revive! It will receive nourishment and it will once again produce! The same is true for the heart.

However, breaking up a hardened heart is hard work! It’s hard to honestly confess sin. It’s hard to sincerely repent of sin. It’s hard to train your heart to hate the things that it loves. It’s hard to intentionally discipline yourself for godliness instead of laziness. It’s hard work, but it is necessary work. A hardened heart that is never confronted and plowed up indicates a heart that has never been made new. We all have hearts that grow hard at times but if we will do the hard work of breaking up our fallow ground, those hearts will revive, and they will once again produce!

10:12 “Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the Lord, that He may come and rain righteousness upon you.”

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Right Response - Hos 5-8

What should you do in response to the chastening, judging hand of the Lord? When your sin is the issue of the trial you are facing, how should you respond to God? When the Father, in love, disciplines His child, how should the child react? Here are a couple of ways we usually get it wrong!

We should not deny, ignore, justify, cover-up, overlook, candy-coat, rationalize, or excuse our sin! Sadly, we often respond this way. We grow so attached to our sin and fond of our sin that even the first strokes of discipline doesn’t wake us from our spiritual slumber. Know this though, the loving Father will not give up until His child is corrected!

We should not turn to our own devices, gimmicks, charms, strength, or resources to ease our mind, body, and conscience! Sadly, we often respond this way. Instead of perceiving the spiritual nature of our trial, we tend to confine it to the physical realm and set out to find a cure for what ails us. Again, the Lord will relentlessly pursue and persuade His own!

So how should we respond to the loving, sometimes difficult and harsh, correction of our Father? Hosea’s call to Israel and Judah in 6:1 is a great example for us. “Come, let us return to the Lord; for He has torn us, that He may heal us; He has struck us down, and He will bind us up.”

Return to the Lord. Repentance is the right response. Sadly, we seldom respond in this manner! We usually react as did Israel and Judah by digging in our heels and clinging to our sin. Knowing our proneness to wander, let us beseech the Lord for moldable hearts that detect and detest our own sin and for the granting of repentance in times of correction!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Lot Like Gomer - Hos 1-4

When you are called by God to be a prophet, you expect to hear the words of the Lord and convey that message to the people. What you wouldn’t expect is for the Lord to call your marriage to be an illustration of His message to His people! For Hosea, this was a surprising and tearful calling!

Israel was pagan when the Lord chose her to be His own. He brought her into a relationship out of grace because there was nothing good in her. As His own, He lavished her with good things. She came to adore these things instead of her Husband. Eventually, she grew cold toward God and entered into relations with other gods. God would not tolerate spiritual adultery. However, God would not annihilate Israel because His love remains steadfast and faithful. Once again, from grace, He will call her to His side.

That is the story of God and Israel. That is the story of Hosea and Gomer! Hosea is to take a prostitute as his wife to portray God’s gracious choice of Israel. Gomer will return to her ways and become an adulterous prostitute to portray the horrible nature of Israel’s idolatry. Hosea will purchase and love her to portray the grace, faithfulness, and love of God for His people!

If you are looking through the eyes of Gomer, you see God in Hosea’s face. If you are looking through the eyes of Hosea, you see the remnant of OT believers. But look again, real close. Gomer not only looks a lot like OT post-exile believers, she looks an awful lot like us! That’s right! We are a lot like Gomer. We were unworthy and undeserving when God lavished us with His grace. While prone to turn from God, God in His gracious, steadfast love will not let us go! He continues to love us through discipline, through forgiveness, and through constant, unyielding, faithful love!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It All Comes Down to This - Dan 9-12

12:1-2 “But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone whose name shall be found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.”

It really does all come down to one of two places! Most will have fallen asleep by the time that the end of time rolls around. Most of us will be in the process of returning to dust from which we came. Most of us will be buried and long gone. But each of us will be awakened!

We will all be resurrected. We will all be startled out of our physical slumber to discover bodies fashioned to exist forever. We will all gasp that first breath to realize that this is a totally different existence. We will all be alive.

It is then though that there will come the great division. Some will be made alive in order to LIVE forever! That is, to exist joyfully in the presence of the Most Holy. Some, however, will be made alive in order to DIE forever! That is, to endure an eternity of punishment for the eternal crime of mocking, rejecting, and denying the only begotten Son of God.

All will be raised. All will be made alive. All will live forever. Some to life. Some to death. How would one be assured of a resurrection to everlasting life? How would one know his name is in the Book of Life? The answer is found in a person, the Lord Jesus Christ! He said in John 11:25, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live!” Awakened to life or awakened to death? Embracing Jesus or rejecting Jesus? It really does all come down to this!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Eschatology and Worship - Dan 5-8

Eschatology means the study of the end times. What is the end of eschatology? What is the end of the end times? Answer: Worship! Specifically, global, diverse, multi-lingual, multi-ethnic, cross-cultural worship of the Son of God! Worship of every language and worship of every expression and worship of every form pointed to the only object of true worship, Jesus Christ. The end of the end is the beginning of forever worship!

“And behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and He came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before Him. And to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him; His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom one that shall not be destroyed” (7:13-14).

This heavenly scene is where history is headed. The culmination of the consummation. Christ will come. God the Father will be exalted in the exaltation of His Son. The Redeemed of all ages from all points of the globe will forever bless the Son for His forever salvation. Once His kingdom is fully realized, it will never wane, dwindle, or vanish.

Worship, true worship, real worship, of the Son is the goal of history, the purpose of creation, the reason for missions.

Eschatology can be a foggy haze of questions. When will this happen? What does this mean? Who does this represent? The main point, however, is clear as can be. In the end, Christ will be magnified forevermore!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Flaming Faith - Dan 1-4

The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is a thrilling, exciting showdown between king Nebuchadnezzar and these three faithful men. It is the story of the fiery furnace, but the fiery furnace is not the point. The point is the flaming faith of these men that burned hotter and brighter than the flames of the furnace!

Their faith in God burned against enormous peer pressure. Everyone sold out and bowed the knee to Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image. Everyone except three! They refused to join in the mass of fear-driven, self-preserving idolatry! These men died to self before they faced the furnace!

Their faith in God burned against enormous political power. They were brought before the king. It is here that one of the most faith-filled declarations of Scripture is given. “If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of your hand...But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up” (3:17-18).

Their faith burned against the flames of the furnace. They would not be swayed based on God’s reaction. They would stand firm whether or not it was God’s will to deliver them! Hear this now. Their faith flamed above their peers, the king, and the response of God. They simply would not budge.

Their faith was then followed by works! They stood firm all the way to being thrown inside the furnace! You know the rest. Jesus met with them at that point, not a single point earlier! May God grant us all that kind of flaming faith!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Christ and the Consummation - Rev 19-22

As observed earlier, the book of Revelation is at its heart a revelation of Jesus Christ not of the end times. However, Christ is revealed to be the centerpiece of the end times. Christ is Christ of the consummation!

There will be the Marriage Supper of the Lamb where Christ celebrates union with His Bride, who will be clothed according to their righteous deeds.

There will be the Rider on the White Horse. Christ will return in glory and will be called Faithful and True, The Word of God, and King of kings and Lord of lords. Just as God the Father created by His Word, God the Son will defeat His enemies by the sword proceeding from His mouth!

There will be the thousand year reign of Christ. It seems that those who reign with Christ during this time are the martyrs. Sharing the glory of Christ during this special season must be a special reward that awaits those who give their lives for the Gospel (cf 6:9-11, 7:9-14, 20:4-6).

There will be the defeat of Satan and the Judgment. Christ will sit as Judge and sentence Satan and anyone whose name is not found in the Book of Life to the lake of fire.

There will be the renewal of all things. Christ will usher in the new heavens, the new earth, and the new Jerusalem. Salvation will be complete as the throne beams in radiant glory, the river of life gushes, the tree of life blooms, the city of God glows, and every child of God basks in His face!

We shout with John, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (22:20)

Friday, October 22, 2010

They Did Not Repent - Rev 16-18

I was once told a shocking story about a newlywed couple flying to their honeymoon destination. The airplane was diverted several times because of weather conditions until finally, it was running out of fuel. In addition, the landing gear was malfunctioning. The pilot announced for the passengers to prepare for a crash landing. The young couple gripped one another’s hands and said, “I’ll see you at Jesus’ feet.” The rest of the passengers erupted! Half of them began to pray and beg God for help. The other half, unbelievably, began to curse God! In the end, the plane landed safely.

Revelation 16 reminds me of those defiant passengers. When the seven bowls of wrath are emptied on the earth, humanity’s state of total depravity is clearly revealed. By the fourth bowl, the scorching heat of the sun, man begins to shake his fists at God! As the intensity of God’s wrath increases with the remaining bowls, so does the arrogant defiance of man. The Bible says that man repeatedly curses God (vv9,11,21)! Even in light of God demonstrating His raw power and justice, instead of humbly beseeching His mercy, humanity pridefully proceeds to shout God down! “They did not repent and give Him glory” (v9).

What is so striking about these verses and the previous story is that such decisive defiance of God reveals humanity’s dead heart! To curse God to His face is to admit that He does indeed exists. To defy Him is to reveal that one believes the God who is in control is unjust and unfair. To denounce God openly is to imply that a mere human will call God into account and judge the Judge. The arrogance is overwhelming. Pride cannot run any deeper. Total depravity is exposed in judgment! Repentance comes not through convincing of God’s existence, justice, and judgment but as a gift!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Conquered Have Conquered - Rev 13-15

In Revelation 13 and 14, a physical description of the beast is given along with a job description. It is noted that both of these passages conclude with a similar exhortation to believers. 13:10 “Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.” 14:12 “Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.” When a text ends this way, it should stop us in our tracks! The heat of persecution will be turned up and many believers will face death. Persevere!

It will appear at first that the beast has ultimate control and faith in Jesus is meaningless because the beast will roll right over believers. His only opposition will be the saints of God, and he will be allowed for a season to totally crush them. 13:7 “Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them.” At this point, believing will seem like a hopeless state! But don’t stop believing!

The real conquering is not taking place with the beast crushing the saints. The real conquering is taking place as the saints resist worshipping the beast even to the point of losing their lives! Most of humanity will gladly and proudly wear the beast’s name in order to buy and sell. Believers, who wear the Lord’s name on their hearts, will refuse to bow down and worship another god. As long as they faithfully, patiently resist, it will always be known that Jesus is the true God. He alone is more precious than bread, more precious than life! 15:2-3 “...and those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing beside the sea of glass with harps of God in their hands. And they sing...” Those who receive the mark and worship the beast, join the beast in eternal fire (14:11). It is then true that the conquered will be the ones who truly have conquered!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

When the Kingdoms Unite - Rev 10-12

There are only two permanent kingdoms in the universe, the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world. There may be lesser kingdoms of men arise from time to time, but they each are under the sway and rule of the primary two. The kingdom of the world is itself under the sway and rule of the sovereign kingdom of God, yet due to its fallen nature, is at this time distinct and held captive by sin. The day is swiftly approaching though when the two will unite under the one banner Kingdom of God! The Lord will bring the kingdom of the world decisively under His authority, remove sin, and renew creation. This will essentially entail two mighty acts.

First, the Lord will clearly reveal Himself as the King and fully establish His throne over all. He will do so by His mighty power. There is no king or kingdom of earth, heaven, or under the earth that will be able to challenge Him or displace him. He will stand as the sole Almighty.

Second, in coming to claim His kingdom, He will judge the nations of the world. At that time, His servants, the prophets, saints, and all who fear His name, will be rewarded. They will be received into His kingdom. Those who opposed or rejected Him will face their just penalty and be forever banished from His presence. It will all come down to those who belong to Him and those who rebelled against Him.

There will be one King and one Kingdom!

11:15 “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.”

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Great Multitude - Rev 7-9

Imagine the scene. A great multitude that no one could number! The first description of this great multitude is that it is one of the largest gatherings in history!

Second, it is a mixed multitude. This gathering is not an ethnic assembly but rather a display of every ethnicity! Which by the way, connects this multitude with 5:9-10. Jesus died to save people from every tribe and language, and here is a great multitude of them before God’s throne in heaven SAVED!

Third, it is a worshipping multitude. Of all the countless people gathered, not one is distracted or engaged in another activity. Every single one is standing before the throne and the Lamb, crying with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” They are shouting. Imagine the ear-splitting sound! They are focused on the throne and the Lamb. They are singing of their salvation in Christ, by Christ, and for Christ. Jesus Christ is the centerpiece of worship.

Fourth, it is a newly clothed multitude. Much is made in this text about the clothes that this multitude is wearing. They are all fitted with a white robe. This connects them with the souls of 6:9-11. The ones dressed in white robes are those martyred for their faith in Christ. They loved not their lives unto death; they loved Christ more. Their robes have been washed white in the blood of the Lamb. Could it be that “the great tribulation (7:14)” then is not so much a distinct period of time as it is the greatest trial a believer would ever face (2:10)? Maybe. The main point is clearly though that God deserves the greatest, loudest praise - and He will receive it!

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Only One Worthy - Rev 4-6

Every chapter of Revelation is startling and phenomenal. The scene which unfolds in Revelation five leaves one awestruck and breathless. After describing the massive, sanctified throne in chapter four, chapter five opens with the question, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?” The question rang throughout all of creation and not a single one dared step forward into the presence of The Holy.

Then a grand-scale, grand entrance takes place as the Lion of the tribe of Judah steps forward in His powerful, conquering stride. Yes! He is worthy. As John eyes the One moving forward to take the scroll, however, he does not see a Lion but rather a Lamb. With a second look and a gasp, John takes note that this Lamb has been slain and yet there He stands! He takes the scroll right from the right hand of Him who sat on the throne.

It was at this moment that the creatures and elders sang a “new song” in tribute to the Lamb. 5:9-10 “Worthy are You to take the scroll and to open its seals, for You were slain, and by Your blood You ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and You have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.”

Note that the conquering of the Lion is the slaying of the Lamb. Once slain, the Lamb secured (not offered!) salvation for every child of God, made them a new creation in a new community, and guaranteed their future eternal existence on the new earth! No wonder at that point every creature in the universe shouts praises to the Lamb! As believers, our voices will be chief among them, and should be already!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Revelation of Jesus Christ - Rev 1-3

The opening words of this book serve as its proper title, The Revelation of Jesus Christ. This book is about Jesus! He is the main subject. It is not so much about eschatological time lines or catastrophic events on the brink of eternity, even though it does describe events to come. It is not so much a manual for discovering the exact relation between the great tribulation, the rapture, and the millennium, even though it does address these. These other monumental, gargantuan subjects found throughout Revelation often distract our focus and attention from the foremost theme of Revelation, namely, Jesus Christ!

John saw the glorified Christ on the isle of Patmos and the vision literally knocked him off his feet. He saw someone like a son of man in the middle of seven lampstands. He was wearing a robe with a golden sash. His hair was like wool, white as snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire. His feet were like burnished bronze refined in a furnace. His voice was like the roar of many waters. Out of his mouth came a two-edged sword, and his face shone as the sun in its full strength.

When John saw him, he couldn’t take it! A split second was too long to gaze into his fiery eyes. A fleeting moment seemed an eternity to hear his overpowering voice. A slight glimpse caused a quick reaction as John viewed the face that shone as the sun. How long can you stare straight into the sun? Not long. A stare into the face of Jesus goes by even quicker!

John fell down as though dead. He physically collapsed from the overwhelming reality of the Lord Jesus in his radiant, fullness of glory! This is how the book about the revelation of Jesus begins.

Friday, October 15, 2010

In the End - Ez 47-48

It is striking how the final chapters of Ezekiel sound like the book of Revelation. It is as if Ezekiel is the OT’s version of Revelation.

Here are a few examples. Ezekiel speaks of a river flowing from the new temple. Revelation speaks of the river of life flowing from the throne of God. In both texts, the water bubbles with life. Ezekiel has trees on the banks of the river that bear fresh fruit each month. The fruit is used for food and the leaves are used for healing. In Revelation, there stands the tree of life on either side of the river of life. It yields fruit each month and its leaves are for healing. In Ezekiel, the land is once again divided and inhabited. In Revelation, a new heaven and a new earth appear, and the new earth will be inhabited by the people of God. Ezekiel has a new city as Revelation has the new Jerusalem.

Now we can debate distinctions and the rapture and the millennium until we reach exhaustion and find that we have not convinced the other of our position. Good wholesome, healthy discussion on eschatology has its place. However, let’s not miss the main point on which we can all agree, whether or not we arrive at the same time! The final similarity is the most important. In the end, the people of God will be in the presence of God, and that is what makes salvation, salvation! That is what makes heaven, heaven!

Ezekiel 48:35 “And the name of the city from that time on shall be, The Lord is there.” Revelation 22:3 “The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His servants will worship Him.”

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Forgiveness and Consequences 2 - Ez 44-46

“they shall bear their punishment” (44:12)

The context of this passage concerns the Levites. When God renews and restores Israel, the Levites will once again serve the Lord and the people, but with one major restriction. “They shall not come near to Me, to serve Me as priest, nor come near any of My holy things and the things that are most holy, but they shall bear their shame and the abominations that they have committed” (44:13). Because the Levites served the idols just as they had served God, they lost this privilege even when God restores them.

Forgiveness of sin does not include removal of consequences! This is a truth that is commonly misunderstood. When God saves us and forgives us, the penalty, guilt, and condemnation of our sin are totally removed. In that respect, it is as if we had never sinned. However, the consequences of our sin most often remain. Sin destroys and disrupts. Sin leaves scars. God does not remove the decay or the scars. When we sow sin, we will reap its harvest. That does not mean God has not forgiven. It only means sin, whether forgiven or not, has consequences.

Why does God not remove the consequences of our actions as well? Only the Lord knows the reasons for each individual sinner, but one could guess at least two reasons. First, leaving us in the consequences of our sin reminds us that sin is terribly horrible. It helps deter us from further sin or adopting a sinful view of Christianity that allows us to live as we please! Second, leaving us in the consequences of our sin reminds us that the Lord is gracious! We reason, how did we get in this mess? Sin. What happened to the sin? It was forgiven and removed. How? Grace!

Friday, October 1, 2010

And the Glory Came - Ez 41-43

Ezekiel envisions a new temple when the Israelites have been returned to their land. Once everything is precise and in place, He sees the glory of God fill the temple. It is an awesome sight!

First, he noticed it appearing on the horizon, building in momentum, increasing in size, filling the sky. Then he heard the sound of its coming, like many waters. Have you ever stood at the bottom of a large waterfall? The sound is so deafening that you cannot hear yourself speak. That must have been what it was like. As the glory of God approached, every speck of earth within its reach lit up like the moon is lit up by the sun!

Now can you imagine watching the glory of God roll in like this, like a giant tidal wave? When the glory of God arrived, it entered the temple and so did Ezekiel. The glory of God filled the temple completely. The glory was so thick and real and radiant and beautiful and terrifying!

What does all this imagery communicate? God comes to dwell with His people! God not only brings them to the land. God not only makes them spiritually alive. God not only provides them a place of worship. God comes in His glory and dwells with His people! The glory makes all the difference in the world. Without it, the temple is just a building and the land is just a piece of realty!

That is what makes Jesus Christ so supremely desirable and worthy of worship! In Him, God came to dwell among men. The glory of God, in human form, dwelling among us! (John 1) The glory came and will come again soon because God will dwell with His people forever!
