Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Lot Like Gomer - Hos 1-4

When you are called by God to be a prophet, you expect to hear the words of the Lord and convey that message to the people. What you wouldn’t expect is for the Lord to call your marriage to be an illustration of His message to His people! For Hosea, this was a surprising and tearful calling!

Israel was pagan when the Lord chose her to be His own. He brought her into a relationship out of grace because there was nothing good in her. As His own, He lavished her with good things. She came to adore these things instead of her Husband. Eventually, she grew cold toward God and entered into relations with other gods. God would not tolerate spiritual adultery. However, God would not annihilate Israel because His love remains steadfast and faithful. Once again, from grace, He will call her to His side.

That is the story of God and Israel. That is the story of Hosea and Gomer! Hosea is to take a prostitute as his wife to portray God’s gracious choice of Israel. Gomer will return to her ways and become an adulterous prostitute to portray the horrible nature of Israel’s idolatry. Hosea will purchase and love her to portray the grace, faithfulness, and love of God for His people!

If you are looking through the eyes of Gomer, you see God in Hosea’s face. If you are looking through the eyes of Hosea, you see the remnant of OT believers. But look again, real close. Gomer not only looks a lot like OT post-exile believers, she looks an awful lot like us! That’s right! We are a lot like Gomer. We were unworthy and undeserving when God lavished us with His grace. While prone to turn from God, God in His gracious, steadfast love will not let us go! He continues to love us through discipline, through forgiveness, and through constant, unyielding, faithful love!

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