Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Friday, October 22, 2010

They Did Not Repent - Rev 16-18

I was once told a shocking story about a newlywed couple flying to their honeymoon destination. The airplane was diverted several times because of weather conditions until finally, it was running out of fuel. In addition, the landing gear was malfunctioning. The pilot announced for the passengers to prepare for a crash landing. The young couple gripped one another’s hands and said, “I’ll see you at Jesus’ feet.” The rest of the passengers erupted! Half of them began to pray and beg God for help. The other half, unbelievably, began to curse God! In the end, the plane landed safely.

Revelation 16 reminds me of those defiant passengers. When the seven bowls of wrath are emptied on the earth, humanity’s state of total depravity is clearly revealed. By the fourth bowl, the scorching heat of the sun, man begins to shake his fists at God! As the intensity of God’s wrath increases with the remaining bowls, so does the arrogant defiance of man. The Bible says that man repeatedly curses God (vv9,11,21)! Even in light of God demonstrating His raw power and justice, instead of humbly beseeching His mercy, humanity pridefully proceeds to shout God down! “They did not repent and give Him glory” (v9).

What is so striking about these verses and the previous story is that such decisive defiance of God reveals humanity’s dead heart! To curse God to His face is to admit that He does indeed exists. To defy Him is to reveal that one believes the God who is in control is unjust and unfair. To denounce God openly is to imply that a mere human will call God into account and judge the Judge. The arrogance is overwhelming. Pride cannot run any deeper. Total depravity is exposed in judgment! Repentance comes not through convincing of God’s existence, justice, and judgment but as a gift!

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