Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Great Multitude - Rev 7-9

Imagine the scene. A great multitude that no one could number! The first description of this great multitude is that it is one of the largest gatherings in history!

Second, it is a mixed multitude. This gathering is not an ethnic assembly but rather a display of every ethnicity! Which by the way, connects this multitude with 5:9-10. Jesus died to save people from every tribe and language, and here is a great multitude of them before God’s throne in heaven SAVED!

Third, it is a worshipping multitude. Of all the countless people gathered, not one is distracted or engaged in another activity. Every single one is standing before the throne and the Lamb, crying with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” They are shouting. Imagine the ear-splitting sound! They are focused on the throne and the Lamb. They are singing of their salvation in Christ, by Christ, and for Christ. Jesus Christ is the centerpiece of worship.

Fourth, it is a newly clothed multitude. Much is made in this text about the clothes that this multitude is wearing. They are all fitted with a white robe. This connects them with the souls of 6:9-11. The ones dressed in white robes are those martyred for their faith in Christ. They loved not their lives unto death; they loved Christ more. Their robes have been washed white in the blood of the Lamb. Could it be that “the great tribulation (7:14)” then is not so much a distinct period of time as it is the greatest trial a believer would ever face (2:10)? Maybe. The main point is clearly though that God deserves the greatest, loudest praise - and He will receive it!

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