Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Friday, October 1, 2010

And the Glory Came - Ez 41-43

Ezekiel envisions a new temple when the Israelites have been returned to their land. Once everything is precise and in place, He sees the glory of God fill the temple. It is an awesome sight!

First, he noticed it appearing on the horizon, building in momentum, increasing in size, filling the sky. Then he heard the sound of its coming, like many waters. Have you ever stood at the bottom of a large waterfall? The sound is so deafening that you cannot hear yourself speak. That must have been what it was like. As the glory of God approached, every speck of earth within its reach lit up like the moon is lit up by the sun!

Now can you imagine watching the glory of God roll in like this, like a giant tidal wave? When the glory of God arrived, it entered the temple and so did Ezekiel. The glory of God filled the temple completely. The glory was so thick and real and radiant and beautiful and terrifying!

What does all this imagery communicate? God comes to dwell with His people! God not only brings them to the land. God not only makes them spiritually alive. God not only provides them a place of worship. God comes in His glory and dwells with His people! The glory makes all the difference in the world. Without it, the temple is just a building and the land is just a piece of realty!

That is what makes Jesus Christ so supremely desirable and worthy of worship! In Him, God came to dwell among men. The glory of God, in human form, dwelling among us! (John 1) The glory came and will come again soon because God will dwell with His people forever!

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