Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Saturday, October 30, 2010

There is Only One - Hos 12-14

13:4 “But I am the Lord your God from the land of Egypt; you know no God but Me, and besides Me there is no savior.”

There is only one God. That does not mean that a multitude of other creatures, people, and fabrications do not parade around as if they were a god! Being made, prayed on, and told you are a god does not make you God though! Convincing scores of people to bow down to you does not make you God. False gods do abound, but a false god by nature is not God.

Worshipping any other god besides the true God is idolatry. It is one thing to reject the living God; it is quite another to replace Him with a phony, insufficient substitute. Rejection plus replacement equals idolatry. Replacements come in all forms of creation, material and ideological. In the end though, all false gods are images of self. Idolatry is at its core the worship of self. False gods are not gods at all. They are just self with a real high view of self! There is only one God.

If there is only one God, then it stands to reason there is only one Savior! If all other gods are false gods, then all other gods cannot solve our deepest problems. If all other gods essentially boil down to self, then we are truly lost. We cannot save ourselves! This is why we fabricate gods to begin with. We know down deep inside something is wrong with us, something is beyond us, and we need help. That is why we all worship something, whether it be a statue or our own intellectualism. In the end, however, we simply cannot correct the massive corruption that lies in our hearts. We need a savior. We need a true savior. There is only one. His name is Jesus!

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