Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Unpardonable Sin - Mark 1-4

Probably no other passage of Scripture causes more unnecessary worry for the believer than the passage about the unpardonable sin. There are two questions that immediately surface when this passage is read. First, “What is the unpardonable sin?” Second, “Have I committed it?”

What is it? A close look at the text reveals what is involved in committing the unpardonable sin. An outrageous charge was leveled against Jesus by the scribes from Jerusalem. Take careful note that these scribes had already decided in their heart of hearts not to believe in Jesus, and they were going to do anything they could to discredit him and silence his ministry and popularity. They were hardened, unbelievers who violently opposed Jesus and the gospel he preached. So what was their charge? They claimed that Jesus was performing miracles through the power of Satan. Jesus and Satan were working together. Jesus replied that not only was their charge ridiculous and absurd, it was damnable! They had crossed the line of which there was no forgiveness, no return. So what is this line? The unpardonable sin is to attribute the saving work of the Holy Spirit as the work of Satan.

Have you committed it? Not if you are a believer in Jesus Christ! Remember, the ones who committed this sin were hardened, unbelievers who opposed the gospel! Followers of Christ are in no danger whatsoever of committing this sin! Now, if you are not a believer, it is very possible that if your heart continues to grow hard against the gospel, you will so deny and refuse the gospel that you will twist the gospel into an anti-gospel! The answer for you is to flee to Jesus and be saved now!

1 comment:

  1. Serious business! I'm so glad for people like the apostle Paul in the Bible, who was about as hardened and stubborn about acknowledging Jesus as Messiah as anyone could be, but Jesus found a way to get his attention!! So much MERCY!

    Reading 4 chapters of Mark in one day really gives the feeling of racing through those years of Jesus' ministry! Mark is full of words like "immediately" and "at once", and reading like this certainly accentuates the speed. I wonder if this is how Mark talked too, do you think??! Hardly a pause for a breath!

    The other impression I have is that Jesus was surrounded by people ALL the time!! Only once can I remember being right at the center of everyone's attention for 2-3 hours (or at least it felt that way with all the camera shots and fussing over me!) and that was when I was wearing a white dress and veil, and couldn't very well hide! It was exhausting (even though happy), and I was very, very glad to just be a married woman and NOT a bride anymore! Jesus must have felt exhausted by all the attention and curiosity and scrutiny and "I need you!" cries all around Him! He was always gracious, but sitting in a boat to teach must have been a relief, don't you think? In 6:45 (jumping ahead), after Jesus feeds 5000+, He tells the disciples to go on without Him and HE sends the crowds home, Himself! I can picture the last lingering folks, hoping that they can get just a word in privately with Him, or maybe they will be able to witness one last miracle?? I understand Jesus' family being concerned: "It's just not healthy what He is doing! He has the rest of His life to teach these people after all! And so many of them don't even bother to say, "thank-you"!! What does He owe them!?" And maybe the thought also slipped in, "What does He owe US, His family??". No one in His family knew what a short time He would be here.

