Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, February 1, 2010

Visibly Present - Ex 37-40

By the time you reach Exodus 37, it’s time to get to work! The freewill offering has been received from the people, and the Lord has gathered those whom he gifted to craft the items. So the people begin constructing the Tabernacle items and the Tabernacle itself. Next were the priestly garments, and the anointing of the everything related to the Tabernacle. Finally, everything was set in its exact place. And the Bible says, “So Moses finished the work.”

All of the above steps were part of the process whereby now the people could worship the Lord, and whereby the Lord would dwell among his people. Everything is built, anointed, and in place. What will happen next?

The glory of the Lord fills the place! It does so to such a degree Moses was not even able to enter the tent of meeting! God gave a prescription for making it possible for him to dwell among them, they obeyed, and he showed up in all his glory! The last words of Exodus are “for the cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle by day, and fire was in it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel throughout all their journeys.” Cloud and fire now are not just pillar guides, cloud and fire represent the glory of the Lord. And it is very hard to miss such a sight! Every single day all the people of Israel had to do was look to the tabernacle, and there they would see the glory of God! Then they would know that God was with them!

It is the same for us today in Christ! When we look to him, we see the glory of God. “and we have seen his glory” (John 1:14) When we look to him, we know God is with us. “I am with you always” (Matt 28:20)

1 comment:

  1. For my brothers and sisters who are reading the Bible through this year: do you get bogged down in all the instructions for laws or tabernacle details or sacrifices (they're coming!)? Last year I had a Bible with extra wide margins and I started drawing EVERYTHING, making charts, doing the math (how many pounds of gold, silver and bronze was that?! 38:24-29), drawing maps, making genealogical trees. I thoroughly enjoyed all the details I discovered. If your study Bible has pictures and maps, draw your own anyway from the text descriptions! I found it exciting!

    Here's somthing I saw for the first time this year: Ithamar was the 4th son of Aaron (6:23), but he was in charge of the tabernacle once Bezalel and Oholiab had finished overseeing its construction (38:21). (Later on in the story Ithamar becomes son #2.) Interesting that it wasn't Eleazar, #3 son, who was in charge, but then he becomes the high-priest-in-training when he becomes son #1.

    Second interesting tidbit that was new this year: I wonder how they engraved a tribal name on the diamond in the ephod (39:10-14)?

    Eternally or spiritually significant details? No, I don't think so. But do know that I love The Book all the more for studying it!

