Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fallen, Fallen - Isa 21-23

Isaiah 21:9 “Fallen, fallen is Babylon; and all the carve images of her gods He has shattered to the ground.” This is no small cry. This is no small prophecy. This is an event of global significance. Babylon is the world empire. Babylon is wealthy, powerful, dominating, feared, extravagant, conquering, and ever expanding her reaches. Babylon stands atop the nations of the world and they have no choice to do her bidding. Babylon rules the world!

Which is precisely why she will fall! There can only be one Ruler! While Babylon convinces herself that she is indestructible, the prophecy of her downfall inches closer to fulfillment every day. In terms of earthly powers, she does rule the world, but One stands above her who rules her!

In fact, Babylon was filled with carved images, objects of worship. As ruler of the world, she was also idolator of the world. She was not going to be subject to some Deity who ruled over her and her affairs. She would create her own gods. Have her cake and eat it too.

Which is precisely why she will fall! God will not be replaced by hand-made deities! God will not allow the worship that is due His holy name to be lavished upon dead wood and stone! God will be glorified! And at times throughout history He has made His name known by tearing down arrogant empires along with their elaborate systems of idolatry!

The fall of Babylon proclaims a mighty message, namely, God alone is Ruler and God alone will be worshipped! Don’t follow in the path of Babylon lest you follow in the path of her fall!

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