Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, August 30, 2010

When God Won't Hear - Jer 5-8

One of the greatest comforts of this life is knowing that whatever you may face in this life, God hears us when we pray! We often neglect the privilege of prayer and do not treasure and value it as the precious commodity it is until disaster or heartache strike. Then, we pray. And time and time again we find, God is there, and when we pray, He hears!

That is what makes the judgment of God so frightening! There comes a time when unrepentant, persistent evil will offend God’s holiness and infuriate His justice to the degree that He will not hear a prayer for deliverance! Jeremiah 7:16 “As for you, do not pray for this people, or lift up a cry or prayer for them, and do not intercede with Me, for I will not hear you.”

Those are truly terrifying words! We live in a daydream Christianity context that teaches us we can be as vile as we want to be for as long as we want to be and whenever we decide to make things right with God, all we need to do is ask forgiveness. That’s a lie!

What we need to do is repent of sin. We need to broken over our sin before God. We need to beg God’s forgiveness for our hard-hearted idolatry! We need to cease “using” God and begin “worshipping” God! If we choose to indulge our sin and disgrace the Lord, judgment eventually will fall. And when the Lord determines that it is time for us to be judged for our sin, no amount of praying will stay His hand of justice!

Therefore, today while He extends His hand of mercy, we must humble ourselves, repent, and seek His face. He WILL hear those prayers!

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