Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, August 16, 2010

The God of All Things - Isa 45-48

In our human, finite, self-centered minds, we tend to think of God based upon our own opinions, feelings, and reasoning. Apart from total allegiance to Scripture, we manufacture a God in our own image! One of the main assaults we launch against the true God is an attack on His sovereignty. We simply cannot imagine a God who is in control of all things, and we come up with all kinds of human reasonings as to why this is the case. This is especially true in the realm of salvation. We reason, “If God is in control of everything, that would make us robots!” or “True love cannot be forced!” Good human logic. NOT biblical truth. The biblical presentation of sovereignty never renders us as robots or forced slaves.

Another area in which we deny God’s sovereignty is in the events of the world. Every action that we deem good, we attribute to God. Every action that we deem bad, we attribute to Satan, demons, sin, people, nature - anything and anyone but God. If that is our thinking, we are not thinking about the God of the Bible! “I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, I am the Lord, who does all these things” (45:7).

You mean God is in control of tragedy, wrong, calamity, disaster, sin, evil, etc.? Yes! That actually should give us comfort for two reasons. (1) If God were not in control of things, who would be? That is a frightening thought! (2) God, who controls all things, uses all things to accomplish His purposes and to achieve His glory!

Yes, He is even in charge of calamity, and the final, ultimate purpose in “all these things,” both well-being and calamity, is “To Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear allegiance” (45:23).

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