Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Tragic Triumph of the Cross - 1 Pet 3

The most horrific, unjust event in history is also the most glorious and wondrous event in history! At one place, at one time the ugliness of humanity met with the beauty of God, the sin of humanity met with both the judgment and mercy of God. The cross of Christ is where all hell and heaven collided, and heaven won! It is wretched to behold with the eye the Son of Man slain beyond recognition, yet it is thrilling to embrace Him there believing and knowing that the Son of God has suffered on your behalf!

1 Peter 3:18 “For Christ also suffered once for sins” Why was Christ on the cross? The Jews thought he was there because he was labeled a blasphemer. The Romans thought he was there because he was labeled a insurrectionist. The truth was He was there to pay the price for sin! (Only once! Christ does not have to be continually offered. The cross was the final blow to sin’s curse!)

“the righteous for the unrighteous” Why was Christ paying for sin when He was not a sinner? Christ humbly became our substitutionary sacrifice. Only a perfect sacrifice would satisfy the justice of God. That, we could never do. That, only Christ could do. That, Christ did do - for us!

“that He might bring us to God” The goal of substitutionary atonement is reconciliation! Christ did not die just to remove our sin or simply offer us forgiveness. By His death, He has reconciled us to God!

“being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit” Such tragedy, that Christ literally died from bodily torture because of our sin! Such triumph, in His resurrection lies our hope of eternal bliss and joy with Him!

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