Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Redemptive Judgment - Isa 17-20

The judgment of the Lord is not restricted to any class or segment for all who are not in Christ are His enemies. He judges cities (Damascus, ch 17), peoples (Cush, ch 18), and nations (Egypt, ch 19).

The judgment of the Lord falls upon Damascus because they have forgotten the God of their salvation and have not remembered the Rock of their refuge (17:10). Neglect. Existing every day as if God does not exist is a dreadful sin against the Living Lord!

The judgment of the Lord falls upon Cush because their military might has deceived them into thinking that they are unconquerable (18:2,7). Pride. Existing every day as if you have no need of God is a dreadful sin against the One who sustains every atom!

The judgment of the Lord falls upon Egypt because their religion is based upon satanic activity and man-made gods (19:3). Idolatry and witchcraft. Existing every day in open rebellion against God. Denying His authority and worth by appealing to Satan and fabricating a god to receive the worship that is due Him is a dreadful sin against the the glorious, true God!

There is no doubt these three groups deserve judgment, and there is no doubt that we deserve judgment. Furious, righteous judgment. But until the Final Judgment, the judgments of God contain a redemptive element. He does not just purpose to prove Himself and punish sinners. He purposes to prove Himself in order to save sinners! Therefore, Damascus will look to his Maker (17:7), Cush will bring tribute to the Lord of hosts (18:7), and Egyptians will know the Lord (19:21). Judgment is redemptive!

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