Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

When Is It Vain To Serve God? Mal 3-4

Malachi 3:14 “You have said, ‘It is vain to serve God.’” Where is a person in life when he reaches this startling conclusion? Namely that service unto the Most High is a waste of time, breath, and life! Service unto The Almighty is useless and worthless. When you sit and think about such a statement, it is shocking!

However, the really shocking truth is that if we are honest, we have thought or felt this before! We would never say it out loud, but we have we not wondered, “After all I have done for the Lord, why is this happening to me?” The logic is the same; serving God is vain. So how does one reach this conclusion, and how can we prevent this logic from settling in our hearts?

The conclusion that service to God is vain is easily reached when “we” are the center of our worlds instead of God! If we think everything revolves around us, if we think we “deserve” special treatment for our dedication, then we will soon decide that godly service is vain. If God becomes a means instead of our goal, we will inevitably conclude godly service is vain.

The reason why this conclusion is reached so quickly is because in reality God is the center and that reality will run head-on with our false notion of “self-centeredness!” In order to fight this temptation, we must take a heart check daily by practicing self denial. It’s difficult to keep “self” on the throne when you love and serve others! In addition, we must pray that God would ignite our hearts for Christ, meditate deeply on the Word, and keep reminding ourselves that everything (including us) exists for the glory of God! The more we embrace and pursue that truth, the quicker we will reach a far different conclusion, namely, serving God is satisfying and thrilling!

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Global Greatness of God - Mal 1-2

Malachi 1:5 “Your own eyes shall see this, and you shall say, ‘Great is the Lord beyond the border of Israel!’”

Malachi 1:11 “For My name will be great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts.”

Malachi 1:14 “For I am a great King, says the Lord of hosts, and My name will be feared among the nations.”

One clearly sees a major theme running through the first chapter of Malachi. The last word of prophecy before the 400 years of silence foretells the coming of Elijah, the coming of the Lord, and the coming day of the Lord which will result in the treading down of the wicked and rising of the righteous. All of these great, global, history-shaping, history-changing events flow from one central, core truth, namely, the greatness of God will be known, feared, and worshipped on a global scale!

The greatness of God is going global! The means of spreading God’s glory and greatness beyond Israel is the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ! Thus, the sending of a messenger followed by the Messiah! The message that Messiah has come and has brought true, eternal salvation shall continue to progress through the Church until it reaches the ends of the earth.

At that point, God’s greatness will be global by two means. First, there will be global justice! Every nation, every ruler, every person who is without Christ will face the judgment of God. Second, everyone from every tribe and language who is in Christ will be received into His kingdom!

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Lord Has Declared It - That Settles It - Zech 13-14

Zechariah 13:9 “And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested. They will call upon My name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are My people’; and they will say, ‘The Lord is My God.’”

Salvation is God’s idea, not man’s. Salvation is planned by God, not man. Salvation is initiated by God, not man. Salvation is carried through by God, not man. Salvation is perfected by God, not man. Salvation is guaranteed by God, not man. Salvation is safe in God, not man. Salvation is of the Lord, not man!

Notice the Lord did not say, “Maybe they will call upon My name.” No, He said, “They WILL call upon My name.” Neither did He say, “I’m not sure what I’ll do then. It kinda all depends on them.” No, He said, “and I WILL answer them.” He will then declare them to be His people and they will respond by affirming that He is their God. God has declared that salvation will come. That settles it. Period. It will happen!

This is not to say man is totally removed from the process of salvation or that he is totally passive. Man will call upon the Lord. Man will respond to the Lord. And none of this is against man’s will but rather God has moved and the will has changed. The “will” that once refused God now yearns for Him!

This is only saying that after removing layer upon layer of salvation, when you reach bottom, God is there, not man! He is the Author, Accomplisher, and Achiever of our salvation.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

True Repentance - Zech 10-12

When someone says they are repenting, our initial response should always be one of joy. However, what if their “repentance” is false, rooted in faux humility as when the child says “I’m sorry” only to avoid punishment? Is there a way to detect genuine repentance from false repentance? (We really need to know this since we may be falsely repenting!)

False repentance usually can be detected by its caveats! False repentance says, “IF I have sinned or done anything wrong . . .” or “I MAY have said the wrong thing . . .” False repentance is always hazy, indirect, and unclear. True repentance, on the other hand, is easily detected by its biblical traits. First, true repentance comes from God. God is the author and source of a truly repentance heart. Repentance is an “out of character” act for all of us! When it is present, God has granted it!

Second, true repentance acknowledges one’s need for grace and mercy. When one truly repents, the focus is on his sin, not his neighbor’s.

Third, true repentance is an eye-opening experience! One clearly sees and confesses his own sin instead of denying, rationalizing, and excusing it!

Fourth, true repentance manifests itself in visible, identifiable ways. True repentance is more than just “talk.” It has hands and feet! It seeks forgiveness, is broken over sin, and makes things right with man and God!

Zechariah 12:10 “And I will pour out . . . a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look on Me, on Him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for Him . . . and weep bitterly over Him”

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Diamond-hard Hearts - Zech 7-9

Zechariah 7:12 “They made their hearts diamond-hard lest they should hear the law and the words that the Lord of hosts had sent by His Spirit through the former prophets. Therefore great anger came from the Lord of hosts.”

It is interesting that Zechariah describes the hearts of the people as diamond-hard. In other words, these hearts will not be touched, will not be moved, will not be penetrated. They are diamond-hard.

The truth is that apart from Christ all hearts are diamond-hard. There is a sense in which we can continue to grow harder and colder to the Lord, but the reality is that unless the Lord changes our hearts, they will not be moved!

This text not only describes the impenetrable nature of hard hearts but also how to identify them. A hard heart, a diamond-hard heart, is one that absolutely refuses to hear the word of the Lord! This is frightening because this level of stiff-arming the preachers of the Word is not only outside the church but inside as well! “I don’t like your style of preaching,” “I don’t like the length of your sermons,” and “I disagree with your interpretation of Scripture” are all ways diamond-hard hearts reject the Word!

As the text clearly says, this level of rejection angers the Lord! As preachers, we must stand firm and continue to preach the truth. The Word alone is powerful enough to cut a diamond heart! As believers, we must keep humbling and submitting ourselves to the Word lest we become hard as a diamond!

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Branch is The Builder - Zech 4-6

One of the central themes of Zechariah is the promise of the coming Branch. God has judged His people. Now God will restore His people, and the most glorious part of this restoration is that The Branch is coming! The Branch will make this restoration complete, final, glorious, and eternal!

One of the key identifiers of the Coming Branch is that He will be the Builder of the temple of the Lord. This raises the question, “If Jesus was indeed the coming Branch, when did He ever build the temple? Wasn’t it already built when He arrived?” Actually, everything Jesus said and did were acts of building the temple. All He ever did while He was on the earth was to build the temple!

Not the one man-made with bricks and mortar! This is the temple made by God with people made alive and indwelt by the Spirit of God! Jesus came to build the spiritual temple of God. That temple is the people of God, the children of God, the Church! Jesus came and fulfilled this prophecy to its fullest measure. He established, perfected, designed, and built the Church of God! Of course, His chief means of doing so was the cross. It is by the cross of Christ that we were purchased, ransomed, and redeemed. Through the cross, Christ gathered together the “bricks” (people) that the Spirit would put together (the regenerate Church)! God dwells in newly created hearts! That’s His temple! That’s His sanctuary. And Christ built it!

As a believer, you are part of something incredibly massive, glorious, and beyond imagination! The Temple of God includes saints from every age and every corner of the globe! One day, this Temple will come together in one place, before the throne of God!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

All In A Day's Work - Zech 1-3

Zechariah 3:8-9 “. . .Behold, I will bring My servant the Branch . . . and I will remove the iniquity of this land in a single day.”

The title is not meant to imply that this is the normal work day or work load! The emphasis is on the “All.” An infinitely, humanly immeasurable debt was paid in full in one day! To do so required divine intervention!

This task could not performed by anyone. The Lord would bring in the only qualified candidate! Apart from God sending His Son, iniquity would never be removed! Though many may try, though many sacrifices may have been offered, sin would never be taken away unless the Son came to do it!

What was so special about the Son? He was both Son of God and Son of Man. As God, He was totally divine therefore He alone could meet the standard of divine justice. As Man, He was able to bear man’s guilt. As Man, He lived a perfect life and therefore offered His body as a perfect sacrifice for sin. As God, He entered into the very presence of the Father to offer Himself. The only begotten Son is the ONLY ONE who could be both God and Man and thus achieve complete redemption!

This task was more than just meeting the qualifications though. The task itself was monumental, removing an infinite amount of horrible, God-cursing, God-hating sin! It takes a cross! It takes a broken body! It takes the pouring out of blood. It drove the Son to His knees in anguish and the Father from looking at His Beloved Son! The cross was Hell! The Son took it and accomplished what no one else could have; He removed iniquity in a single day! Trust Him as Lord and Savior, and your sin shall be removed!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Leaving God Till Later - Haggai

Haggai 1:2,4-5 “Thus says the Lord of hosts: These people say the time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord...Is it a time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, while this house lies in ruins? Now, therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways.”

The Lord says, “Stop for a minute, look around, and see how you are treating Me!” This text is not a defense for building multi-million dollar worship facilities! The point is that the great care given to their own houses coupled with the great neglect of God’s house signified deeper problems!

First, their “paneled” houses signifies the ever present trap of materialism! We want to have the best, latest, and most expensive, and we want others to know! Materialism devours hunger for God. God’s business can be done tomorrow. I need that paneling today!

Second, self has taken first place and pushed God to the side. Next to the temptation to “acquire in order to satisfy” is the temptation to “be your own boss.” We foolishly believe we are independent and so end up in a rat race. As a result, the most important thing, worshipping God, is neglected.

Third, making sure our own homes are glamorous while the Lord’s house is rotting says a lot about our hearts. The Lord does not need the most expensive building, but our full attention to self and total neglect of matters of worship indicates misplaced affections!

Maybe there are areas in our lives where we are “leaving God till later!” Maybe we need to “consider our ways!”

Friday, November 19, 2010

Irresistible Grace - Zephaniah

What does irresistible grace mean? Does it mean that no one can resist grace? No. Does it mean that man’s will is ineffective? No. Does it mean that God saves people who do not want to be saved, saves them against their will, or forces salvation upon people? No, no, and no.

Irresistible grace means that even though a sinner, dead in trespasses and sins, will freely reject the grace of God time and again, God can at any time sovereignly overcome or overtake man’s will, make him alive in Christ, and then he will want Christ more than anything else on earth. To him there is no choice between accepting or refusing Christ. He could not imagine refusing Christ because all he wants is Christ! God’s grace has become irresistible. The sinner’s heart has been changed, and therefore, he now freely wants Christ and must have Him! A passage in Zephaniah examples God’s irresistible grace.

3:9 “For at that time I will change the speech of the peoples to a pure speech, that all of them may call upon the name of the Lord and serve Him with on accord.” Who changes their speech to a pure speech at a pre-appointed time? God does. For what purpose does God change them? That they may call on the name of the Lord. What happens when they do this? They are saved (Joel 2:32). So who is ultimately causing their salvation, them or God? God.

This is irresistible grace. And it is a good and precious gift of God. Without it, we would always freely reject Christ. Irresistible grace is not God taking away our wills but rather it is God correcting our wills so that we see and freely want what is best, namely, Christ!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

You Won't Believe This, But It's True - Habakkuk

Listen to how the Lord begins His reply to Habakkuk, “Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told” (1:5).

If someone else were to have told this to Habakkuk, he would never believe it. What the Lord is getting ready to share with His prophet is absolutely unimaginable. Habakkuk wanted more than anything for God to act, but he would never have envisioned God acting in this way. It is totally unthinkable. This kind of response from God would never in a million years dawn on the prophet. So what was the Lord getting ready to do that was so hard to believe? God was going to use the most vile and evil people on the planet to bring judgment upon the people of God!

Habakkuk had asked for judgment, but not this way! How could God use wicked people to judge wickedness? Shouldn’t the Chaldeans be punished as well? Even more so since they were far more evil? Habakkuk’s reply is just as the Lord anticipated, “God, what’s going on here?”

Several things are here for us to learn. First, we will never totally understand God! His ways and thoughts are higher! Second, God is sovereign over the affairs of men and nations. God is going to discipline His children by bringing a nation against them from far away, and it happened just as the Lord said it would! Third, God uses even the wicked to accomplish His good purposes. Fourth, what seemed an injustice to Habakkuk was justice in the end. God would eventually judge Babylon for her wickedness. Let us learn then not to judge the Lord on what we know or see in the present. When His work is finished, it will be good and right!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

God is Angry! Nahum

We do not want to hear it. We do not want to talk about it. Far worse, we do not want to believe it. Nonetheless, it is true anyway! God is angry! Yes, He is loving. Yes, He is gracious and merciful. Yes, He is patient and longsuffering. Yes, He is good. And yes, whether we like it or not, He is angry!

The fact of the matter is, it would not be right or righteous if He were not angry! Why? Because He is angry with sinners. He is angry with outright rebellion and declarations of war against Him. He is angry with the mockery, rejection, and denial of His Son, who He sent to die! He is angry with the humiliation of being replaced, substituted, and overlooked by those who prefer idolatry over worship. He is angry with those who constantly violate His law, indulge in wickedness, and love the unholy.

We often warn against being mad at God, but have we stopped to think that God may be mad at us?

Nahum 1:6-7 “Who can stand before His indignation? Who can endure the heat of His anger? His wrath is poured out like fire, and the rocks are broken into pieces by Him. The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; He knows those who take refuge in Him.”

The truth is that the only way God is NOT angry with you is if you are in Christ; if you have taken refuge in Him, in His Son! His anger is removed when your sin is removed, and only Christ can do that! Without Christ, it is only indignation, anger, and wrath. But with Christ, God is to us a stronghold and a refuge!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Knowing and Living the Good - Micah 5-7

Knowing the Lord has always meant more than lip service. Knowing the Lord has always made an impact on how one lives. To know the Lord is to live for the Lord. Living a pleasing life to the Lord is evidence that one truly knows the Lord. One cannot live in order to know, but if one knows, it shapes how he lives!

The opposite then certainly applies. Living as to displease and dishonor the Lord is sure evidence that one does not truly, really know the Lord. You can make all the claims of faith you like, but if you do not live it, you do not have it! Micah 6:8 is a good starting point to see living faith.

Micah 6:8 “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

Doing justice. Rewarding good and punishing evil. Giving everyone a fair shake. Operating from a basis of “loving your neighbor” instead of selfishness. Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you!

Loving kindness. Hating those actions, motivations, and words that cause harm to others. Practicing those actions, motivations, and words that help others.

Walking humbly. Daily realizing how dependent one is on the mercies and graces of God. Being thankful and not boastful. Grateful for every blessings instead of acting as if it was deserved or earned. Mindful that one is not receiving what he truly deserves but rather abundant grace!

Monday, November 15, 2010

What Happens If You Do Stop Preaching "That"? Micah 3-4

Yesterday’s devotion came from the antagonism that Micah faced as a preacher of judgment and repentance in Micah 1-2. The people did not want to hear what he had to say, so they essentially told him, “Stop preaching that!”

Today’s devotion comes from Micah 3-4. What happens if a prophet listens to the antagonists? What happens if you stop preaching “that?” What happens if you stop preaching the true message of judgment and repentance and replace it with a message of peace and safety?

You lose far more than you would by sticking with the Truth! It is true that if you maintain the Truth in the pulpit, you may find yourself in the unemployment line! You may face criticism. You may lose friends. You may find yourself on the street looking for shelter. You may see your family go without. Times may indeed become extremely difficult for you if you stand for and proclaim Truth. However, the cost of selling out is far more!

When you exchange the Truth for a message of comfort and job security, you become a false prophet! The consequences of misrepresenting the Lord are light years more dreadful than the response of men despising the Truth. Remember the people were telling Micah “Disgrace will not overtake us” (2:6). There were some prophets who were preaching that exact message. “No worries. No need to fear. No need to change. You are fine. Disgrace will not overtake us!” Hear the Lord’s reply, “The sun shall go down on the prophets...the seers shall be disgraced” (3:6-7). In other words, when the judgment of God falls, the false prophets will be first in line!

Stop Preaching That! Micah 1-2

The preacher who stands for Truth usually receives one of three responses to his message, if he receives a response at all. To those who agree with him, there comes the resounding “Amen!” To those who have been struck by Truth, there comes the sigh of “Oh my!” For those who reject the Truth, for those who refuse any scriptural correction, for those who pridefully deny any wrongdoing, there comes the raging challenge “Silence!”

There are some truths that people just do not want to hear! They do not want to hear that the things they love so, have grown so fond of, and have all good reason for are actually sin! They do not want to hear that God is angry with sin, specifically their sin! They do not want to hear that God will judge sinners, even saved sinners! They especially do not want to hear that continued, unrepentant sin indicates unbelief! If you find yourself preaching a text that brings up these issues, get ready! Someone is going to tell you, “We need to hear more about God’s love.” “You keep beating us up.” “Your preaching is too harsh.” “You are wrong.” “That’s not what the Bible says.”

Micah, God’s prophet, God’s spokesman, heard the same. Micah 2:6 “Do not preach”—thus they preach—”one should not preach of such things; disgrace will not overtake us.” As you can see, Micah should be doing exactly what they said he should not be doing! In fact, disgrace did overtake them because they did not repent; because they did not want to hear it!

To every preacher—keep preaching the Truth no matter how confrontational! To every listener—keep embracing the Truth no matter how painful!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Maintain Your Integrity, At All Costs! Psalm 25-28

When foes assail you, and if you live for the Lord, they will assail you, the presence or absence of integrity will make or break you! The integrity of the psalms is a fidelity to the Word of God, a willingness to stand upon it, an unwavering trust in it. Integrity in the Word is faithfulness to its Author!

When one determines and desires to be faithful to the Lord, the assaults and attacks will automatically and inevitably come, most from unexpected places. Accusations will fly. Slander and gossip will abound. The integrity of the one who holds fast to his integrity will be called into question. Charge after charge will be leveled. The faithful servant of the Lord will be weighed down at times with heavy opposition. All of the drama, shouts, name-calling, and implications might tear him down were it not for integrity. He knows the accusations are false! He knows in the depths of his heart he is not straying from the Lord or leading others astray. He knows, because he knows the Word, that he is loving his Lord and his neighbor, even though his neighbor denies it. His allegiance to the Word of God stabilizes him in the midst of the upheaval. If he didn’t have this, he would certainly drown.

That, however, is not the chief reason for maintaining one’s integrity at all costs. The primary motivation for maintaining one’s integrity even if it means defamation, loss of job, or persecution is that when one is true to the Lord, he can rest in the Lord’s presence, protection, and provision!

Psalm 26:1,11 “Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked in my integrity, and I have trusted in the Lord without wavering...But as for me, I shall walk in my integrity; redeem me, and be gracious to me.” Keep it at all costs! If you have integrity in His Word, you have Him!

Complete Satisfaction - Psalm 21-24

Psalm 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” The first sentence serves as a title for the rest of the song, which is a list of reasons why having the Lord as shepherd removes all want. Without missing this connection, there is much to glean from verse 1! The end result of having the Lord as shepherd is complete, ultimate satisfaction! The search for fulfillment is over. What is it about the Lord being your shepherd that totally removes lack and need and emptiness and void from your life?

First, complete satisfaction is grounded in the identity of your shepherd. He is not just any shepherd. He is not an individual, who will let you down. He is not an ideology or philosophy that sounds good but doesn’t measure up with real life. You are not your own shepherd only to discover your own insufficiency. Your shepherd is the Lord! His arms are strong. His love is steadfast. His fields are eternal. The LORD is my shepherd.

Second, this is a reality. This is true. The Lord IS my shepherd! Faith in Christ results in union with Christ. You are His and He is yours!

Third, this union is a relationship. The Lord is MY shepherd. He is intimately acquainted with you. He knows you better than you know you. He provides exactly what you need when you need it. His correction is loving. His presence is joy. You belong to Him. He will never forsake you or lose you!

Fourth, He is watching over you. He is caring for you. He is providing for you. He is looking out for you. He is protecting you. He is nourishing you. He is comforting you. And He always will. The Lord is my SHEPHERD! All of these things result in complete satisfaction!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Invaluable, Precious Word of God - Psalm 17-20

Psalm 19:7-11 “The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is Your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.”

These are some of the most beautiful, poetic descriptions of God’s Word found in all of God’s Word! To those who are separated from God, do not know Christ, and do not love the glory of God, the Bible is just another religious book. To those who deny God and detest the standard of holiness, truth, and justice found in the Bible, this book is claimed to be full of myth, error, fable, fiction, and contradiction.

However, to those who have been chased down and overcome by the saving grace of God, who have lovingly embraced Christ as Lord and Savior, and who have been brought to new life by the Spirit of God, the Bible is a treasure chest of holy joy! To them, the Bible is the source of all truth and is able to lead one to true salvation. The Bible is the perfect guide and counsel, sufficient not only for salvation but for every matter of life.

To those who know the Lord, not just by name or association, but by adoption through Christ Jesus our Lord, the Bible is their most precious material possession. They read it, study it, memorize it, meditate on it, share it, love it, devour it, apply it, embrace it, just like David in Psalm 19!

As Plain As Day - Psalm 13-16

One of the clearest, most evident truths is that there is a God. Several undeniable factors surround and confront us with this realization.

First, there is the weakness of man. Man is at the top of the “evolutionary” ladder right? Yet man, with all his abilities, is still weak, frail, and clearly not in control! There must be a higher power! Second, there is the sinfulness of man. Some men have been so terribly evil and wicked that the rest of humanity calls for justice. If there is no God to answer to, justice fails. Third, there is the moral standard of man. Man has inherently a moral line drawn in his heart that should not be crossed. The line may be different for different men, but there is a line somewhere in all men. From where does this universal notion of morality come? Fourth, there is the undeniable evidence of design in all of creation. The minute detail and precise function of every living being and inanimate object proves the presence of a Designer. Fifth, there are the Five Logical Proofs of God’s existence by Thomas Aquinas. There must be a First Cause, a First Mover, a Necessary Being, a Perfection or Standard, and an Intelligent Designer.

The evidence for God is as plain as day to anyone who will keenly observe his surroundings and rationally think about nature, processes, and creation. So why would anyone doubt or deny God’s existence? Psalm 14:1 “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” As sinners, we will deny the plain truth in order to avoid accountability! We want to be our own boss, call the shots, do our own things, and not be accountable to anyone. If God exists, we are not on the throne; He is. We don’t want this, so we deny Him. That’s foolish! Denying God’s existence does not make Him cease to exist! He is there! Just look around!

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Test You Want To Pass - Psalm 9-12

One of the reasons we breathe a sigh of relief upon graduating from our final alma mater is that we are finally finished with tests! No more pop quizzes, lengthy essay exams, or tricky true-or-false. Our education is complete and so is our test-taking! Or so we think!

Soon we realize that we are really never finished with tests. They just come in different formats! Our employer may test our skill. Our children may test our patience. We may take a vehicle on a test drive. There are all kinds of tests, and we are always taking them. However, there is a profound, fundamental test that we are all taking whether we realize it or not. We are all taking the test of our lives, and we all want to pass this one!

Psalm 11:4 “The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord’s throne is in heaven; His eyes see, His eyelids test, the children of man.”

The Lord is the test-giver. His tests are fair, and His grading is accurate. There is no grade curve. There is only one question to answer which we answer with our lives not our lips. Are we with God or against God? Pass or Fail? Those with God are righteous in standing because of Christ’s righteousness and are daily pursuing righteous behavior. Those against God love wickedness and flee from righteousness.

11:5,7 “The Lord tests the righteous, but His soul hates the wicked...For the Lord is righteous; He loves righteous deeds; the upright shall behold His face.” There is only one correct answer for this test. Run to Christ and live for God! That, and only that, will always receive a “High Pass” or to say it biblically, to pass is to behold the face of God!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Joy Unending - Ps 5-8

As with many of the psalms, chapter five contains a great contrast. Most of the verses describe the offense and retribution of sinfulness. In fact one of the more alarming phrases of all the Bible is found in this context. Psalm 5:5-6 says, “You [God] hate all evildoers . . . the Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man.” So much for “God loves the sinner but hates the sin!” God does not abhor some abstract notion or concept labeled “sin.” God hates the committing of sin, which is the committing of rebellion, idolatry, mockery, and rejection. To sin is to declare war on God. All sinners have announced by their sin that they will override God’s will and overtake God’s plan. The message of Psalm 5 is that God will retaliate!

Sinners will not win this war! The Lord will “make them bear their guilt,” because “of the abundance of their transgressions” [God will] “cast them out” (v10). We must be mindful, with fear and trembling, that God will not judge sin on the great and terrible Day of the Lord; He will judge sinners!

What are we to do since we are all sinners? Here is where the great contrast of chapter five arises. We are to flee to God in Christ for refuge, or to say it another way, for salvation from the punishment of our sin! Once we have embraced Christ and been reconciled to God, we no longer face terror but rather unending joy! 5:11 - “But let all who take refuge in You rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your name may exult in You.”

Can you imagine the elation of never more running from the fierce justice of God but finding ever more protection and joy in the embrace of God! When you embrace Christ, God embraces you, and that is joy unending!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Joy, True Joy - Ps 1-4

Despite all of the differences and diversity that abound among the human family, at the heart of each of us lies a desire which unites us all. We all long for joy. We desire to be happy, to be satisfied, to be fulfilled, to be complete, to be content, to be full. You will not find a single individual who will deny this unless he is not being honest. Joy is our uniting desire. Joy is our endless pursuit. Joy is so often out of our reach. Joy, when thought to be grasped, slips away so easily.

Why is the quest for joy in every human heart? Because God put it there. Why would God put such a desire in our hearts knowing that life is short and full of trouble? Does God mean for us to live miserable, unfulfilled lives? NO! God means for you to live an abundant, overflowing life. That is why He put that yearning for joy in your heart! Not so that you would search for it all of your life and never find it, but that you would find joy, true joy in Him!

Once this discovery is made, life changes and is never the same! Other joys are created, temporary joys at best or false, deceptive joys. God, however, is the Fountain of Joy. God is the source and supplier of all true joy. God is joyful, and He gives joy to all who know Him through Christ. The quest for joy is meant to bring you to true joy, that is, knowing, loving, worshipping the God of all peace and comfort! Worldly joys and seeking to fill our lives with others will always prove empty because true joy is delighting in and enjoying God!

Psalm 4:7 “You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound.”

Saturday, November 6, 2010

He's Still Working On Me - Jonah 3-4

There is a children’s church song titled “He’s Still Working On Me.” The message is that God created the whole universe in 6 days, but “He’s still working on me”! Jonah could have sung that song in earnest!

When God finally convinces Jonah that preaching to Ninevah is a non-negotiable, the most unimaginable, unpredictable, miraculous event occurred; Ninevah repented! Jonah knew this would happen, and that’s why he didn’t want to go in the first place. He didn’t want Ninevah to repent. Now that they have repented, he would rather die! What!?! Why in the world would a prophet of God despise people repenting?

Ninevah was the most ruthless, cruel, pagan nation known to man during Jonah’s time. They were Israel’s worse nightmare; they were Israel’s enemies. And God sent His man with a message of judgment in order to bring them to repentance. Now Jonah would return home not just as a prophet, meaning he was disliked anyway, but as the prophet who was responsible for Ninevah’s revival. He would rather die!

So as this incredible, fast-paced, miracle-filled book comes to a close, it is not about big storms, big fish, or big revivals as much as it is about the ongoing, daily, patient, persistent work of God in the life of His servant Jonah! God uses a little worm to destroy a little plant, sends a scorching wind and searing heat, and teaches Jonah a lesson on compassion. The story ends. We know that Ninevah, those wicked, vile people, repented of their actions against God. We don’t know if Jonah, the prophet of God, repented of his sinful attitude. However, we do know that we have something in common with Jonah, “He’s Still Working On Me.”

Friday, November 5, 2010

God's Will Triumphant - Jonah 1-2

God’s plan for His glory and the good of His people will not be thwarted, diverted, changed, or cancelled! God’s will, in the end, is triumphant! That message is central to the book of Jonah.

God’s will triumphs over man’s will. It was God’s will for Jonah to go to Ninevah and call them to repentance. Jonah does everything in his power to avoid God’s will. He wills against God’s will, and by chapter 3, Jonah is standing in Ninevah calling them to repentance! Notice the lengths to which God will go in order to bend man’s will back to God’s will and accomplish His purpose. He sends a great storm and a great fish! The sooner we learn this lesson the better, our wills are not the center of the universe!

God’s will is not just for His plan but for His man! It is a good thing that God’s will triumphs over us because God’s will is not just for His glory but for our good. Our willing against God’s will can never be for our good or His glory! We are so self-absorbed that at first glance, we harshly reject the notion of God’s will bringing our will into subjection. But on further, closer observation we come to realize how infinitely better for us that God’s will wins the day!

God is not just after Ninevah; God is after Jonah! The great storm and the great fish are the best things that could have happened to Jonah! The worse thing that could have happened would be for Jonah to flee to Tarshish, go his merry way, and never be bothered! But no! God will have His way and His man, and thus Jonah 2 is a prayer of repentance! God’s will triumphed over Jonah’s will, and thanks be to God, it has triumphed over ours as well!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Deception of Pride - Obadiah

Edom is going to face the judgment of God to such degree that in the end, Edom will be no more! God’s chief accusation against Edom is that he took advantage of and rejoiced in the judgment of Judah. Edom delighted in the downfall of God’s people, and they wouldn’t get away with it.

The root of Edom’s cruel actions towards Judah was pride. Edom rejoiced that Judah fell while he was still standing well and good. Edom boasted in his fortunes and fortress-like setting. Edom was filled with pride, and his pride had deceived him!

vv3-4 “The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rock, in your lofty dwelling, who say in your heart, ‘Who will bring me down to the ground?’ Though you soar aloft like the eagle, though your nest is set among the stars, from there I will bring you down, declares the Lord.”

Pride is terribly deceptive in at least two ways. (1) It convinces you of self-sufficiency. Edom’s security was not in his brilliant location; it was in the hand of a sovereign God! (2) It leaves God out of the equation. Edom looked all around and asked rhetorically, “Who will bring me down?” He was so prideful he never thought to look up and ask that question!

God would not allow self-sufficient, God-ignoring pride to remain in Edom. He will not allow it to remain in us either! It is a constant temptation for us to think too highly of self, depend on self, and leave God out of the equation. He is able to hold us up when all we have is Him, and He is able to bring us down when we forget that all we have is Him!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Worst Judgment of All - Amos 7-9

The judgments of the Lord against the evil and idolatry of Israel were no slaps on the wrist. They were harsh trials meant to startle and to emphasize the horrors of sin. Little bumps along the way would not adequately communicate the devastating nature of sin or its eternal consequences. Still, Israel did not heed God’s punitive actions.

As a result of their hardness, He would now send them the worst judgment of all. He would withdraw Himself from them and become silent! No matter how terrible a famine may be, in the end, better to have God speaking through a famine than God not speaking at all! At least if God is speaking through a prophet during a famine you would know how to interpret these events and how to respond. But if God stops speaking, you don’t know anything! No revelation from God equals no knowledge of God, which means no point of contact with God! When God stops speaking, God stops saving. A silent, shut heaven is the worst judgment imaginable!

8:11-12 “Behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord God, “when I will send a famine on the land—not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord...they shall run to and fro, to seek the word of the Lord, but they shall not find it.”

Two questions. How much do you appreciate the words of the Lord in the Bible located right in your own house? Your devotion to it answers that question. Is the word of the Lord heard when you attend church or is there a famine of God’s word? To put it another way, do you hear from the Bible or from man? If God’s word is spoken to God’s people, thank the Lord and appreciate your pastor!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

He Said He Would - Amos 4-6

In Amos 4:6-11, the prophet reviews the judgments that the Lord has sent to Israel to awaken her out of her sin. He gave cleanness of teeth, that is, there was nothing to eat (v6), He withheld the rain (v7), He struck them with mildew (v9), He sent pestilence and sword (v10), and He overthrew some of them (v11). All of this was done to alert them to their sin and call them to repentance. It did not have its desired effect. Each description of judgment is followed by the chilling reality “yet you did not return to Me.”

Israel simply refused to admit they were dwelling in horrible sin and that these hardships were in fact judgments from God. Instead, they clung tighter to their sin while accusing God of neglect and abandonment.

However, they should have known exactly what was happening. God had said many years earlier that He would do these things should they turn from Him! In Deut 28, Moses outlines the blessings of obedience and the curses of disobedience. Guess what items are included in the list of curses? Pestilence (v21), mildew (v22), no rain (v23), overthrown (v25), and famine (vv52-57), and these are just a few.

He said that He would, and He did. He also said that they would, and they did. God had told Israel they would not heed His warning. They would turn from Him, commit vile transgressions, and face His judgments (Deut 31:29). Failure to keep the law with dire warnings and failure to repent under harsh judgment are telltale signs that we are truly totally depraved, and we desperately need saving grace! Thank God He also said He would bring a new covenant (Deut 30:6), and He did!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Everyone: Guilty - Amos 1-3

The prophets read as if you are in court. Entire nations are brought before The Bench. The evidence is presented, and the verdict is the same: guilty!In the opening chapters of Amos God is holding court, and many nations have been brought before Him. These cases are not drawn out and appealed though. There is nothing left to say when the evidence is presented!

Every nation surrounding God’s people is condemned. The indictment is read, the verdict is delivered, and the sentence is given. One right after the other. Justice is hammered out. Yet, after all these cases, there is still time for a couple more.

To their surprise, Israel and Judah, God’s people, are called before the Judge! To their greater surprise, their indictment, verdict, and sentence are the same as their neighbors! Why? Because they were the same as their neighbors! They did not live as God’s people. They lived as godless people, and they would face the same punishment.

Why should they believe Amos or pay him any attention? He was a prophet. He spoke God’s words. God did not act unless He revealed His actions through His prophet (3:7). Israel and Judah better take notice!

We better take notice! There is coming a final court when everyone will stand before the Judge, and the verdict will be the same for everyone: guilty! Some will escape judgment though because they have fled to Christ and found Him to be a sufficient Savior and an able Advocate! How do we know this is true? The prophets have said so!
