Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Branch is The Builder - Zech 4-6

One of the central themes of Zechariah is the promise of the coming Branch. God has judged His people. Now God will restore His people, and the most glorious part of this restoration is that The Branch is coming! The Branch will make this restoration complete, final, glorious, and eternal!

One of the key identifiers of the Coming Branch is that He will be the Builder of the temple of the Lord. This raises the question, “If Jesus was indeed the coming Branch, when did He ever build the temple? Wasn’t it already built when He arrived?” Actually, everything Jesus said and did were acts of building the temple. All He ever did while He was on the earth was to build the temple!

Not the one man-made with bricks and mortar! This is the temple made by God with people made alive and indwelt by the Spirit of God! Jesus came to build the spiritual temple of God. That temple is the people of God, the children of God, the Church! Jesus came and fulfilled this prophecy to its fullest measure. He established, perfected, designed, and built the Church of God! Of course, His chief means of doing so was the cross. It is by the cross of Christ that we were purchased, ransomed, and redeemed. Through the cross, Christ gathered together the “bricks” (people) that the Spirit would put together (the regenerate Church)! God dwells in newly created hearts! That’s His temple! That’s His sanctuary. And Christ built it!

As a believer, you are part of something incredibly massive, glorious, and beyond imagination! The Temple of God includes saints from every age and every corner of the globe! One day, this Temple will come together in one place, before the throne of God!

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