Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Complete Satisfaction - Psalm 21-24

Psalm 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” The first sentence serves as a title for the rest of the song, which is a list of reasons why having the Lord as shepherd removes all want. Without missing this connection, there is much to glean from verse 1! The end result of having the Lord as shepherd is complete, ultimate satisfaction! The search for fulfillment is over. What is it about the Lord being your shepherd that totally removes lack and need and emptiness and void from your life?

First, complete satisfaction is grounded in the identity of your shepherd. He is not just any shepherd. He is not an individual, who will let you down. He is not an ideology or philosophy that sounds good but doesn’t measure up with real life. You are not your own shepherd only to discover your own insufficiency. Your shepherd is the Lord! His arms are strong. His love is steadfast. His fields are eternal. The LORD is my shepherd.

Second, this is a reality. This is true. The Lord IS my shepherd! Faith in Christ results in union with Christ. You are His and He is yours!

Third, this union is a relationship. The Lord is MY shepherd. He is intimately acquainted with you. He knows you better than you know you. He provides exactly what you need when you need it. His correction is loving. His presence is joy. You belong to Him. He will never forsake you or lose you!

Fourth, He is watching over you. He is caring for you. He is providing for you. He is looking out for you. He is protecting you. He is nourishing you. He is comforting you. And He always will. The Lord is my SHEPHERD! All of these things result in complete satisfaction!

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