Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Saturday, November 13, 2010

As Plain As Day - Psalm 13-16

One of the clearest, most evident truths is that there is a God. Several undeniable factors surround and confront us with this realization.

First, there is the weakness of man. Man is at the top of the “evolutionary” ladder right? Yet man, with all his abilities, is still weak, frail, and clearly not in control! There must be a higher power! Second, there is the sinfulness of man. Some men have been so terribly evil and wicked that the rest of humanity calls for justice. If there is no God to answer to, justice fails. Third, there is the moral standard of man. Man has inherently a moral line drawn in his heart that should not be crossed. The line may be different for different men, but there is a line somewhere in all men. From where does this universal notion of morality come? Fourth, there is the undeniable evidence of design in all of creation. The minute detail and precise function of every living being and inanimate object proves the presence of a Designer. Fifth, there are the Five Logical Proofs of God’s existence by Thomas Aquinas. There must be a First Cause, a First Mover, a Necessary Being, a Perfection or Standard, and an Intelligent Designer.

The evidence for God is as plain as day to anyone who will keenly observe his surroundings and rationally think about nature, processes, and creation. So why would anyone doubt or deny God’s existence? Psalm 14:1 “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” As sinners, we will deny the plain truth in order to avoid accountability! We want to be our own boss, call the shots, do our own things, and not be accountable to anyone. If God exists, we are not on the throne; He is. We don’t want this, so we deny Him. That’s foolish! Denying God’s existence does not make Him cease to exist! He is there! Just look around!

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