Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, November 15, 2010

What Happens If You Do Stop Preaching "That"? Micah 3-4

Yesterday’s devotion came from the antagonism that Micah faced as a preacher of judgment and repentance in Micah 1-2. The people did not want to hear what he had to say, so they essentially told him, “Stop preaching that!”

Today’s devotion comes from Micah 3-4. What happens if a prophet listens to the antagonists? What happens if you stop preaching “that?” What happens if you stop preaching the true message of judgment and repentance and replace it with a message of peace and safety?

You lose far more than you would by sticking with the Truth! It is true that if you maintain the Truth in the pulpit, you may find yourself in the unemployment line! You may face criticism. You may lose friends. You may find yourself on the street looking for shelter. You may see your family go without. Times may indeed become extremely difficult for you if you stand for and proclaim Truth. However, the cost of selling out is far more!

When you exchange the Truth for a message of comfort and job security, you become a false prophet! The consequences of misrepresenting the Lord are light years more dreadful than the response of men despising the Truth. Remember the people were telling Micah “Disgrace will not overtake us” (2:6). There were some prophets who were preaching that exact message. “No worries. No need to fear. No need to change. You are fine. Disgrace will not overtake us!” Hear the Lord’s reply, “The sun shall go down on the prophets...the seers shall be disgraced” (3:6-7). In other words, when the judgment of God falls, the false prophets will be first in line!

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