Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Back to Idols !?! - Judges 8-10

The book of Judges is startling! It is astounding how quick the Israelites turn from God after he brings them victory and peace. No sooner than the present judge passes away the Israelites forsake the Lord and turn to foreign gods, which is exactly what got them into trouble to begin with! Have they no memory? And the answer is “yes!” They do have a memory of serving other gods, and they are fond of those memories! The problem with the Israelites is that they have no heart – no new heart for God! (I am speaking here about the majority of Israel. There were always within the majority a small believing minority.) After Gideon had defeated Midian, and Zeba and Zalmunna, he does a most outlandish, ridiculous thing. He collects gold and fashions an ephod, which ends up being an idol! Soon after Gideon dies, Israel turns back to Baal worship! God delivers them; they worship other gods! It makes no sense! It is astounding!

There is an equally startling reoccurrence in the book of Judges. No matter how many times the people turn from God, when they groan under judgment, he delivers them! That’s more amazing than their repeated idol worship – God repeatedly delivers them! He is faithful to His people, His covenant, His name!

Now here is the really amazing wonder of it all. When we read Judges, we are really looking into a mirror aren’t we? Let’s be gut level honest and just admit that hardly a day goes by that we do not prefer, adore, or worship something/someone other than the Lord! And let’s give him the glory because there is not a day that goes by in which he doesn’t not lavish us with undeserved grace! Thank God for His faithfulness to His covenant with His people for the glory of His name!

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