Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Samson's Achilles' Heel - Judges 11-14

Promised to barren parents by an angel of the Lord. Prophesied to be set apart for the Lord all the days of his life. Sent as a judge to save the Israelites from the hand of the Philistines. This was Samson. However, Samson had one fatal flaw all along – his lust drove him after forbidden women. This lingering sin proved to be his downfall!

The story of Samson and Delilah would not be too hard to comprehend if it were not preceded by the story of Samson and the woman from Timnah! Samson was determined to marry this woman even though she was a Philistine, a foreigner, a worshipper of false gods. Even though this was forbidden by the Lord and discouraged by his parents, he was determined. Why? He thought she was really attractive! 14:3, 7 – “she is right in my eyes . . . she was right in Samson’s eyes.” In the end, she was loyal to her people over her husband. However, instead of learning from this, it became a pattern for Samson’s life.

We would be wise to take two lessons from the life of Samson. First, loyalty is what holds a marriage together, not looks! Marriages built on allegiance to God and loyalty to one another will stand the test of time. If our hearts belong to idols or others, the marriage is over as soon as it begins! Give your heart to the Lord and faithfulness to your mate!

Second, let us beware of those lingering sins that we continue to justify and accommodate! They need to be slain not indulged! Catering to one sin in our lives leads to more sin (14:8-9). Eventually, the very thing we thought would make us happy, the very thing we thought we could control, the very thing we thought was so enjoyable, that very thing will bring us down!

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