Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Book of the Law - Jos 1-3

Joshua 1:8 – “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

What is the Book of the Law that Joshua was to know and practice? The Book of the Law was written by Moses. Deut 31:24 – “When Moses had finished writing the words of this law in a book to the very end.” The first five books of the Bible together form The Book of the Law. In Joshua’s day, this was the only Scripture available. Therefore, the principles of embracing Scripture and its provisions are still applicable for us in the OT and NT.

Joshua was to fill his day with Scripture, and rightly so because that is our primary means of knowing God, knowing His will, and following Him! Joshua was to know the law so that he could keep the law. It is the same for us today. It is through the study and meditation of the Word that we know how to live out our days to the glory of God.The Bible not only provides instruction for daily choices and situations in life, it also corrects our motivations and inclines our hearts to the Lord. The purpose of the Law, or the Scripture, is to change the heart not just the actions.

The ultimate reason that Joshua was to keep the Scripture was for his own prosperity and success. This is not health and wealth theology! Prosperity here is the accomplishing of God’s will. He will prosper in the conquering and settling of the Land. Success here means acting with wisdom. What is wisdom? To know and fear the Lord. Joshua was to fill his life with Scripture, and so should we!

1 comment:

  1. I've been counting the "be strong and courageous" verses. Want to see my list so far?
    Deut. 31:6 Moses says it to Israel.
    Deut. 31:7 Moses says it to Joshua.
    Deut. 31:23 The LORD says it to Joshua.
    Josh. 1:7+9 The LORD says it to Joshua.
    Josh. 1:18 Israel says it to Joshua.
    Josh. 10:25 Joshua says it to Israel.

    They needed to hear it repeatedly! I expect that WE need to hear it from each other too! Hey, my brothers + sisters who are reading this: Be STRONG and full of COURAGE because we have the same motivation and foundation for our obedience to God as the Israelites did: GOD is WITH US!!

    I certainly am drawn to the heroines of the Bible! Hooray, Rahab! Hooray for the FAITH that God gives and we have the privilege to exercise! I was reminded when I read Rahab's story this time of how Noah provided (well, GOD provided through Noah!) an escape for his family and any who would believe in the ARK. Rahab provided the "ark" of her home in the wall. How am I to offer an "ark" to those who live near me??

