Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, March 22, 2010

Darker Days Ahead - Jos 22-24

Most commentators treat Joshua 24 as one of the more happier occasions of Israel’s history. This is hard to defend though when paying careful attention to the text, especially Joshua’s words. Joshua had called the people to choose which god they would serve, those of their forefathers or the Lord God. He firmly stood for the Lord and declared that he and his house would only serve the Lord! The people responded that they would follow the Lord as well. Joshua didn’t buy it!

He tells them they are not able to serve the Lord for he is holy and jealous! Now Joshua is telling them this because evidently they still have some infatuations with other gods (v15). Joshua further tells them that in fact they will indeed forsake the Lord soon and follow after other gods, which will bring about judgement from the Lord! This is not the first time they have heard this stinging rebuke because these were the last words of Moses as well (Deut 31:29). But they are not going to listen to Moses or Joshua and for a second time affirm their service to the Lord. Joshua replies this time that they have witnessed “against” themselves. That’s not a compliment! They accept this role because they are so sure of themselves. Joshua then commands them to put away the foreign gods and incline their hearts to the Lord! Instead of repenting, they still affirm their good nature and pledge to serve and obey the Lord!

Who was right, Joshua or the people? As we’ll soon discover in the book of Judges, Joshua was right! The theme of Judges is the continued rebellion of the people! This is because one cannot serve the Lord from self-determination. One must serve the Lord from a changed heart! And God is going to deliver new hearts in a New Covenant!

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