Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, March 22, 2010

Finally Home - Jos 15-17

Chapter 15 is the beginning of allotting the land to the tribes. Now that most of the conquering is complete, it is time to divide! The land gets divided into portions according to the size of each tribe. The division of the land, where each tribe receives its geographical location, is the last of the major steps to take in order to possess the land! There are still some pockets of people that need to be cleared from the land, but as for the major opposition, all have been conquered.

In other words, Israel is finally home! They have wandered for forty years, fought for five years, and now they finally are settling into their new home. No more wandering. No more temporary dwelling. No more large confrontations. This land belongs to them now! They have a home! And not just any home. This is God’s promised provision for them! This is the Promised Land. It is no longer a thought, a dream, a prayer - it is a reality. It is now actually their home!

It is the same for us who are in Christ. We have journeyed for years in order to reach our final destination. We are like those Israelites. We are wandering around in this world because this world is not our home! We are out of place here. We are on our way to the Promised Land! God has a place of provision for us that we have yet to reach. There is much fighting before we enter the rest of God’s land. We battle the foes who do not want us to enter the Land. We battle our fleshly desires. We battle the enemy and the false charms of this world. We wander and we battle, and one day, we will rest! We too will finally be home. It is will no longer be a prayer, a wish, a longing. It will be reality!

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