Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Does Your Pastor Love the Lord? John 20-21

There is familiar exchange that takes place between the Lord and Simon Peter after the Resurrection. Jesus meets up with the disciples on the shore and shares breakfast with them. During the meal, he asks Peter three times if Peter loves him. Each time Peter pledges his love to Jesus even though Peter knows the love of Jesus is perfect and the love of Peter is flawed!

What becomes interesting is how Jesus responds to Peter’s pledge of affection. All three times that Peter affirms his love for Christ, Jesus replies with a command. Jesus does not say something general like, “Well prove it then!” No, he gives Peter very specific instruction – the same specific instruction – “feed my sheep.”

That is how Peter would prove his love for Christ! He would care for the people of God by guiding them, shepherding them, nourishing them on the Word! It should not be surprising then that the key figure in the opening chapters of Acts is Peter! He is adhering to Jesus’ instructions because he absolutely does love the Lord.

This is the best litmus test for pastors today. If your pastor loves the Lord, he may fail at other tasks, but he will give his all in order to make sure he is feeding the flock of God! A pastor who loves the Lord, loves the people of the Lord. There is no better way to demonstrate that love than to constantly and consistently nurture them on the Word of God. Preaching Bible-based sermons and providing a steady nutrient-heavy meal for the sheep is the pastor’s way of saying, “I love the Lord, and I love you!”

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