Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Do You Love Jesus? John 5-8

John 8 contains an exchange between Jesus and some folks who cannot accept he is the Son of God. This is due in part because of their own self-righteous pride. They already know all the answers and everything about the Christ – or so they think! Their attitude is easily detected when they ask “Is the Christ to come from Galilee?” or when they tout “Abraham is our father.”

The exchange really becomes heated when Jesus tells them that actually they do not have Abraham as their father, that is, their spiritual father. If Abraham was their spiritual father, they would do as Abraham did and rejoice in Christ! However, they do have a spiritual father, and they prove who it is by wanting to kill Jesus!

At this they now lash out at Jesus with a hateful, indirect accusation, “We were not born of sexual immorality. We have one Father—even God.” Basically, they are saying, “We’ve had enough of listening to you. You were born in sin. We are the ones who know God!”

Then Jesus replied in a stunning way that provides the benchmark of true faith. He said, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here.” Jesus installs a complete new litmus test here. His opposers had claimed ethnic rights as their salvation. That wasn’t right. They had claimed knowledge of God as their salvation. That wasn’t right. They had knowledge of the Scripture. That wasn’t right. The one final test that proves whether or not one is truly saved is this: Do you love Jesus? Abraham loved Jesus (8:56). So does every child who is born of God. Faith in Christ will always show itself as love for Christ (Deut 30:6)!


  1. I hesitate to type this, please don't misunderstand me?

    If I'd been there, listening to Jesus, I think I would have thoroughly enjoyed listening to Him put those religious hypocritical "stuffed shirts" in their place! Probably I would have enjoyed that too much. I would have puzzled with everyone else about His baffling stories, and I think (I HOPE) I would have loved Him even when I didn't understand Him! BUT oh, how frustrating that He never seemed to answer straight questions with straight answers! How often He said things that He HAD to know people were going to misunderstand--"Eat My flesh, drink My blood". Since I, too, am very literally-minded, I'm certain I would have been right in the same camp as Nicodemus (be born from my mother a second time??) and the Samaritan woman (water that I wouldn't have to come to the well to draw?) and Andrew and Philip (5 loaves and 2 fish ain't going to do the job!!) I would have been thoroughly mystified. I hope that I would have been one of the followers, but it would have been tough if a family member or a friend caught me by the sleeve and said, "Hey, you're one of His disciples, right? What in the world did He mean when He said ____? Don't you think you could suggest that He ought to explain Himself more often?"

    Any thoughts, Bro. Wil?

  2. Several things come to mind here because I know how you feel!

    First, remember, people didn't understand Jesus based on their great ability of perception or his ability of clarity. People understood Jesus when God gave them ears to hear! J 8:47

    Second, also keep in mind that Jesus always clarified his teaching to his disciples, to his followers. Mark 4:34

    So if you were a follower of Jesus, you would have been so by grace and you would have an answer for your friend.

    And guess what? You are his follower by grace and God gives us answers in His Word, by His servant leaders, and through His Spirit!

    This is a great lesson from some great questions!

  3. Thank-you my Barnabus-Pastor. I feel pretty little when it comes to great abilities of perception and clarity. Once more I'm glad for GRACE.

