Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Another Family Tree

In Matthew 1, we are given the genealogy of Jesus, in other words, we see his family tree. In Matthew 12:46-50, Jesus speaks of another family that he has, another family tree. There are some similarities in these trees. Some of those found in the first tree are also in the second tree. Both trees have crooked limbs throughout. Both trees are rooted in and/or pointing to what gives the tree its beauty, attraction, and glory, namely, Jesus Christ!

But there are some differences as well. The tree of Matthew 1 is representing physical relation to Jesus. The tree of Matthew 12 is speaking of spiritual relation to Jesus through faith in him and repentance of sin. The tree of Matthew 1 shows how the Old Testament prophecies are being fulfilled in Christ. The tree of Matthew 12 shows how the New Covenant is being fulfilled in Christ. Both trees represent a blood line, but the tree of Matthew 12 portrays only the blood of Christ, for his blood created and established this tree!

And when Jesus’ own mother and brothers ask to speak with him and he turns to his followers and calls them his mother and brothers, Jesus right there establishes that the tree of Matthew 12 takes precedence over the tree of Matthew 1! That is, the bond and union of being joined to Christ through faith is much deeper and meaningful and lasting than the bond of kinship. The family of faith, joined together in Christ, is the greater family.

Not everyone can/could be part of Jesus’ earthly family, but “whoever” can/will be a part of Jesus’ heavenly family! Man or woman, Jew or Gentile, all who “do the will of God,” that is, all who believe in the Son, will be adopted into this forever family!

1 comment:

  1. What tenderness there is in Matthew 12:20+21! Jesus doesn't walk right on past the "bruised reed", He doesn't snuff out the last little wisp of smoke from a candlewick. Hurting people, confused people, people with whom Satan has had a "field day", people whose situations leave me incredulous and shaking my head, people whose stories make me want to walk away because I am overwhelmed and unsure of any answers to give them or even how to pray for them--these are the ones Jesus came for: the "sick" not the "well". He is not overwhelmed! These verses make me want to be full of mercy like Jesus is. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

