Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The God of the Impossible - Matt 17-20

There are some things in this life that are simply impossible for you to do as a human being. For examples, you cannot fly like a bird, that’s impossible. You have to use a plane! You cannot swim like a fish, that’s impossible. You have to come up for air! Both of these are things that you could never do on your own without the aid of a device or machine.

According to Jesus, there is something far more critical to you and necessary for you in terms of your eternal destination that is impossible for you as well! You cannot be saved on your own. You cannot make yourself right with God or get yourself right with God. You cannot rid yourself of your sin or obtain the necessary righteousness that will stand before God. You cannot do it! The disciples asked Jesus, “Who then can be saved?” And he said, “With man this is impossible!” Did you hear that?

If left to our own strength, will, resources, and determination, we are hopelessly lost. Eternal salvation is an impossible task for us. But praise the name of Jesus, he also said to the disciples, “but with God all things are possible!” Your salvation is impossible with you, but not with God! You cannot change your heart, but God can. You cannot rid yourself of the guilt, consequence, and power of sin, but God can through Christ! You cannot earn righteous standing before God, but God can credit it to you through faith based on the work of Christ! God is the God of the impossible! Now he won’t do the unnecessary impossibilities such as giving you wings like a bird or gills like a fish, but he does accomplish the one eternal necessity through faith in His Son, he gives you a new heart. God can work the impossible in your life; He can save you!

1 comment:

  1. On January 26, 1963, a little girl was helped to understand that even though she had done wrong things, Jesus loved her and took the punishment she deserved when He died on the cross. She knew that He didn't stay dead, but was alive and ready to listen to her prayer: "Thank-you for dying on the cross for me! Please forgive my sins. I want to be part of Your family." Did she understand everything about salvation at 5 years old? Of course not. But she understood enough. And she has been thanking her Father for His continual gifts of grace to her for 47 years ever since.

    I will always be grateful for Matthew 19:14, "Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.'"

    Were you wondering how I know the exact date of my salvation? My Daddy wrote it down in the big family Bible under "Births" that very evening. I believe he was obeying Jesus' command in Matt. 19:14!

