Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Friday, January 8, 2010

Faith-filled Fear

In chapter 22 just as Abraham is about to drop the dagger into Isaac’s chest and offer him as a sacrifice unto God, the Lord speaks and stops him in mid air! The Lord said, “Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me.” It is interesting to note that God did not say that Abraham has proven his faith, but rather has proven that he properly fears the Lord.

It is not as if this wasn’t an act of extraordinary faith! Before God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his only son, he had made a promise to Abraham concerning his only son. In Genesis 21:12 the Lord said, “for through Isaac shall your offspring be named.” This is why Abraham so confidently told his servants in chapter 22, “Stay here with the donkey; I and the boy will go over there and worship and come again to you.” Abraham believed God’s promise in 21:12 to the extent that he was readily obedient in chapter 22. He believed God’s word was so sure that even if he sacrificed Isaac, God would still somehow bring him back to life and raise offspring from him JUST AS HE PROMISED HE WOULD DO! So for sure, Abraham was acting in faith in chapter 22. But God commended his fear not his faith. What is this fear?

I believe Abraham’s faith is part of how we are to understand the kind of fear to have before God. It was a faith-filled fear. This doesn’t mean scared-to-death of God. And it does mean more than just superb respect and reverence. Abraham believed God’s Word to the point that he was more fearful of not obeying than of obeying. A faith-filled fear says, “I trust his word above my knowledge, I trust him, and I dare not disobey him!”


  1. Hand-written notes at Genesis 22 in my Bible. I wish I could say they are original with me but they aren't although I completely agree with them:
    Characteristics of Worship
    1) Absolute surrender
    2) Unquestioned obedience
    3) Unwavering trust
    Heartbeat of Worship - To love God
    When I step out in faith, I will receive a clear picture of God.
    You can't worship God at a distance and experience His fullness.
    Vs 13 Loving obedience is better than sacrifice.
    When we give everything to God He provides for us.

  2. On an index card somewhere in my files I wrote out the results for looking up "early in the morning" in my concordance. The things I choose to do bright and early, with determination and having planned them out the night before--these are the things that are important to me. Abraham rises "early in the morning" to get on the road with Isaac. No dithering around about this. He is determined to obey God, and the sooner he puts his obedience into action--not just mental agreement with God-- the sooner he will see how in the world God will keep His promise regarding Isaac as the chosen heir. Because God WILL keeep His promise. How often I need to make my faith, my "fear of disobeying God", MOVE OUT! James 2:21-26 "Faith without works is dead." I need an "early in the morning" attitude toward obedience.
    Can you imagine what would have happened if Abraham had been still wandering around outside the tent, kicking at grass stubble, depressed and uncertain about what he should do at 1:00 in the afternoon and SARAH had asked him what was eating him??

