Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What's He Up To?

It was all part of one big plan. That is, what Joseph put his brothers through before he revealed himself to them. First he sends them back home with their money in their bags (unknown to them at the time), and he keeps Simeon as a guarantee that they will return one day with Benjamin. Second, when they do return with Benjamin, he sends them home this time with his personal cup hidden in Benjamin’s bag, which would be a crime punishable by death! What’s he up to? At first glance, it may appear as if he just wants to punish his brothers, to get back at them for selling him into slavery, to get revenge, to make them experience some of the misery he experienced. But that’s not it at all.

He’s wants to find out if they have changed! Joseph, as the only son of Rachel at the time, was loved by Jacob, and his brothers envied his favored status with their father. So much so that they were willing to sell him to traders and live out their days as if he didn’t exist. Now that Benjamin is the other son of Rachel and dearly loved by Jacob, would they do the same with him? Would they run back home with food and just leave Benjamin to die or live in prison?

No. They would not. In fact, they interpret the trials Joseph is putting them through as punishment from God! They all tear their garments when the cup is found with Benjamin. Whatever it takes, they are not going to put their father through that suffering again. This becomes Judah’s moment, the same guy who really blew it back in ch 38, now offers to take Benjamin’s punishment! So the test is complete. Joseph’s brothers had lived under great guilt and had changed in their relations with brother and father. It was a test. They passed. May we pass our tests as well!


  1. Isn't it interesting the similarities between Joseph and Daniel?
    -Both young men are far from home against their own wills.
    -Both rely on God in the midst of bad situations.
    -Both are full of integrity and are clear witnesses for the One True Living God.
    -Both dream dreams and give God credit for interpretation.
    -Both find themselves in high positions with rulers who rely on their judgment (although Nebuchadnezzar didn't completely).
    -Both end up incarcerated for actions that didn't warrant it.
    -Both are awfully intelligent.
    -Both would make fine sons-in-laws. . . (I have high standards!!)

