Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Family Tree of Jesus

Matthew is very precise in his genealogy of Jesus, as seen in the careful division of three sets of fourteen generations. At the close of each set Matthew notes a distinguished marker; David, deportation, and Christ. Therefore, we can at least know this from Matthew’s account of Jesus’ family tree, Christ came at the precise, right time. He came to complete the generational sets of fourteen. He came as the answer for the generational portrayal of Israel’s woe; David the king is followed by deportation to Babylon, which is followed by Christ!

But much more is found in this tree as well. Not only does this tree feature the greatest king of Israel, David, it also features giants like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! All to prove the prophetic word about the Messiah of course. But just think, here in one family tree you have the Father of the Faith and the nation’s most revered king. Look closer though and you will find that this tree contains very different kinds and shapes of limbs. It does not just have the “greats,” it has the “others.” Women are listed in Jesus’ genealogy. Prostitutes are listed in Jesus’ genealogy. The family tree of Jesus includes murder (Solomon the son of Bathsheba). The family tree of Jesus includes immorality (Judah and Tamar).

What’s going on here? How can the Son of God be born to such a twisted, perverted lineage? Pure and simple - He came to seek and to save those who were lost! He came for sinners, and his family tree was filled with them as is ours as well! He came to save the famous and the neglected. He came to save the hero and the villain. He came to save the morally upright and the morally bankrupt. They called him Jesus, for he came to save his people from their sins! (1:21)

1 comment:

  1. Here's a thought on Matthew 3:17: Ever hear anyone say something like, "I'd believe in your Jesus if I absolutely knew for sure. I mean I'd need a voice from heaven!" In Matt. 3:17 there WAS a Voice from heaven. If 3:17 happened in the same time frame as the section just before it (vv. 7-12), then Pharisees and Sadducees were there to hear it. Is there any report of any of those religious cynics going back to their authorities and saying, "Now we KNOW Who Jesus is! We heard a Voice from heaven. God spoke!" No. God speaks audibly one other time for another crowd of people in Jerusalem to hear (John 12:28). Some hear thunder, some say, "It must have been an angel!" And some, maybe just a few, hear GOD speaking. Those who accept the grace of being able to believe, do believe. Those who don't want to believe? They only hear thunder.

