Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Resurrected Lord - Matt 25-28

When one encounters the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ and he opens their eyes so that they rightly behold him in his glory, there is only one response: worship! As in Matthew 28:9 after the two women had discovered the tomb was empty and had been told what to do by an angel, Jesus met them. Their immediate response was “and they came up and took hold of his feet and worshipped him.”

It is just an immediate reaction to the glorious majesty and beauty of the Son of God! One cannot help but bow down and worship when he finds himself in the presence of the Infinite! It’s not planned. It’s just the normal, given response to the holy presence of God! It’s like when one stands on the edge of the Grand Canyon and taking in its magnitude, color, and design automatically breathes a “wow” or a “that’s amazing.” That response is not planned. It just happens in the presence of such a wonder. Well then, imagine the response in the presence of the glorious Lord Jesus Christ!

When he was clothed in the flesh and kept his full glory hidden, he received varied responses from adoration to hatred. But when his full glory is manifested through his flesh, worship is the result every single time! (cf Rev 1:17) There is coming a day when we behold him just as he is, and such is the hope and expectation and longing for every born-again believer! (1 John 3:1-3) We will see him in his full glory, and we will worship! And so will every created person and thing in the universe! (Phil 2:9-11) That’s not a humanly pre-meditated and planned event. It will just happen. We won’t be able to do anything less than worship him when we find ourselves before him!

1 comment:

  1. For me!

    All of that horrifying and beautiful story was because of and for me. I will be amazed forever.

    (And YOU can say, "For me!" too!)

