Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Saturday, January 9, 2010

From All Appearances

God’s promise to Abraham of offspring without number was to be realized through the son of he and his wife Sarah, Isaac. Abraham and Sarah thought that God needed a little help to get this promise accomplished, especially since she was barren (as if God was not in control of that!). So the plan was put in place to have Hagar as a surrogate wife and bear Abraham a son. She did conceive, a son was born, and there was trouble between these families ever since! (Not such a brilliant plan after all!)

Now Abraham is coming to the end of his life, and even though God has made good on his promise, it still looks like a long shot! Abraham and Sarah did in fact have a son in their old age, Isaac or laughter. So finally, the plan is in place and the great nation is on the way. Right? Maybe. As it turns out, Isaac’s wife, Rebekah is also barren. (There seems to be a pattern here!) Ishmael, that’s Abraham and Hagar’s son, does not experience this trouble at all. Rather, it seems from all outward appearances that God’s promise is actually going in the opposite direction! Ishmael has 12 sons as opposed to none so far from Isaac! 12 sons who become 12 princes! Wow! Sound familiar? Is this where God’s promises fail? Did God change his mind? Has Isaac been rejected? From all appearances it would seem so - but not to the eyes of faith!

God answers the prayer of Isaac, opens the womb of Rebekah, and Jacob and Esau are conceived. God’s promise would come to life just as he said. It seemed impossible twice thus far in Genesis. It seemed reversed at one time. It seemed delayed. But now, it is going to be fulfilled! The lesson for us is clear. When it comes to God’s promises, we cannot depend or rely upon appearances. We rely solely upon his word!

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