Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bloody Transition - 2 Samuel 1-4

Just because something is the will of God does not mean or guarantee that it will come to pass with ease. Certainly after Saul’s death, the transfer of power to David was not a peaceful transition, in fact, it was a bloody one.
The opening chapters of 2 Samuel convey the unfolding events of David’s ascension to the throne of Israel. It is a sad tale of bloody violence as each player in this twisted narrative thought to make things right. However, their actions only made things even more unsettled.

The Amalekite thought he was doing Saul a favor by “finishing the job” of Saul’s suicide. David, though, did not see his actions in the same light! Judah makes David king, but Abner leads the rest of Israel to anoint Saul’s son, Ish-bosheth, as king. Abner’s men and Joab’s men fight and kill one another as a result. Abner kills Joab’s brother in the conflict. Ish-bosheth insults Abner, so he joins with David. Joab, however, kills Abner on behalf of his brother. Then, two men betrayed Ish-bosheth and murdered him. They thought the news would cheer David, but it actually sealed their fate!

David’s ascent to kingship is an absolute chaotic time of confusion, bloody violence, and misdirected morality! From all outward observation, surely no one would conclude that these events have anything to do whatsoever with the Lord’s will! When in truth, all of these confusing, violent events will soon unfold with David as king of Israel.

Lesson. Don’t decide the Lord’s will based on present circumstances. Place your faith in God’s written revelation as the source of his will. Through prayer, the Spirit, and the Word, God will direct your steps no matter how confusing the path toward his purposes may be!

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