Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Now Is The Time - 1 Sam 29-31

The Philistines reject David. David overtakes and conquers the Amalekites retrieving their families and goods. Saul and his sons die in battle against the Philistines. It’s time. It’s time for God’s prophetic word to become reality. The events unfolded just as the Lord had orchestrated. The events culminated in just the right way. David would now be king just as the Lord said he would! Take a closer look at how these final events set the stage for David’s rise to the throne. The Philistines reject David, forcing him back to his people. The Philistines also kill Saul and his sons and move into Israel’s city. Now Israel needs a leader. Who would be able to lead an army against such a powerful foe? David. He has just led another successful campaign against the warring Amalekites, and who would better know the Philistines?

The lesson for us is that God’s timing came long after his promise! Many times when we hear the voice of God we attempt to make it a reality before the work of God has been accomplished in our lives. God usually calls us to his purpose and then sends us through a season of preparation before his purposes come to fruition. We must learn to wait on the Lord while he teaches us and sets the stage for his will. This error of mistaking the calling for the timing is so sadly often observed among ministers of the Gospel. A young man discerns God’s calling upon him, and before there is any preparation time or waiting for God to unfold events to achieve the calling, the young man sets off in earnest zeal to “preach the Gospel!” Unfortunately, he rather burns out as quickly as he fired up, settles into a lifetime of preaching a misinformed gospel, or, even worse, becomes “successful” in ministry due to personality and not the advance of the Word!

Wait when the promise is given. In God’s time, it will come to pass!

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