Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Christian Liberty - Romans 14-16

One of the most freeing doctrines is Christian liberty. Simply put, in Christ there is no room for legalistic religion! Romans 14 provides great instruction for applying this freedom without erring into three dangers. Christian liberty teaches that we are not bound to man-made additions to God’s moral law. Paul uses the examples of what day of the week one may revere or whether or not one chooses to eat meat. These were areas of dispute in Paul’s day among believers. His point was that these differences of opinion should not divide us. There are areas of liberty in Christ!

One error in applying liberty is legalism. One cannot require of a brother what God’s Word does not demand. Some matters are left to the individual’s conscience before God. It is clear that God condemns adultery; so should we. It is not a certain conclusion that women should wear hats in church. Therefore we should not demand it!

A second error is antinomianism. In other words, one reasons, “If I am free in Christ, then I can do what I want to no matter what others think!” Wrong! Paul says the correct application of liberty is living according to the weaker brother not according to one’s fleshly appetite.

A third error is separatism. It reasons, “If you do not agree with me, I’ll just shun you and condemn you.” Paul would question, “How can you treat your brother like that when Christ died for him?” (14:15)

So while Christian liberty is joyfully freeing, it can be dreadfully dangerous. Apply it well. Live free in Christ, but never without due regard for your brother, the holiness of God, and your conscience before God!

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