Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's Just Not Worth It - 2 Samuel 13-16

The consequences of David’s sin are now coming to fruition. His first child with Bathsheba fell sick and died, but more anguish and shame were to come. Absalom, his own son, becomes his number one enemy and betrayer. David, who betrayed his loyal subject Uriah, is betrayed by one closer than a subject! Absalom conspires against David and slowly over time wins the hearts of the people, just as David secretly conspired against Uriah. In order then not to face his own son in battle, David, the King, is forced to leave Jerusalem in shame and dishonor! David, the great warrior, is running for cover. Absalom enters Jerusalem and then in a show of arrogant pride to prove his power, he sleeps with all of David’s concubines in open sight! (Mind you this would have lasted several days. David had a lot of concubines!) Just as David had wronged his fellowman Uriah by sleeping with his wife, so now it comes back to him but by his own flesh and blood!

As David flees and finds temporary shelter, I wonder if he thought, “It’s just not worth it!” The promise of sin to satisfy, to bring pleasure, to make one happy, is just not worth it. Don’t be confused. Sin is temporarily fulfilling while it is practiced. It’s when it is over and concludes that the tables are turned. Once sin is accomplished, then its consequences must be awarded to it. It’s the consequences of sin that prove sin as valueless, deceiving, ruthless, and destructive! It may seem the consequences outweigh the sin, but that is not the case. Sin’s consequences are extremely grave because sin is extremely offensive to God! Remember dear friend when that enticing, alluring, sparkling temptation comes along, the temporary pleasure of that sin will not be worth the lasting torment of its consequences! It’s just not worth it.

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