Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sovereignty and Forgiveness - 2 Samuel 17-20

As David grows older in years, he has grown more mature in his faith. (Sad to say, this is not always the case for believers!) In reading through 2 Samuel, one learns that David has acquired one wise insight and one godly grace. These two virtuous marks surface clearly in his interaction with a man by the name of Shimei.

In chapter 16, David is fleeing from Jerusalem, fleeing from his son, Absalom. It was an embarrassing, humiliating day for David. Evidently, Shimei thought is was not hurtful enough, so he added insult to injury by following David and heaping insults and curses upon him along the way. (Shimei was related to Saul, which might explain things further.) David’s men wanted to kill Shimei on the spot. David replied in 16:11-12, “Let him curse, for the Lord has told him to. It may be that the Lord...will repay me with good.” David had learned that the sovereign hand of God is behind all the actions of men, and that gave him confidence and peace!

In chapter 19, Absalom has been killed, the rebellion has been squashed, and David is on his way back to Jerusalem to take the throne. In short, Shimei’s days are numbered, and he knows it. He meets up with David and confesses his sin. David’s men still want to kill him, but David declares that there will be no bloodshed that day because it was a day of celebration. Then in words that Shimei would never forget, David said in 19:23, “You shall not die.” He pardoned him; he forgave him. He didn’t deserve it. David had learned forgiveness because God had forgiven him!

Trust in the sovereign God and the practice of forgiveness are marks of a maturing faith!

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