Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The House that Solomon Built - 1 Kings 4-7

“Which house?” would probably be the first question. Solomon built the house of Israel. David’s reign as conquerer provided a time of prosperity, growth, and peace. 4:20 says, “Judah and Israel were as many as the sand of the sea. They ate and drank and were happy.”

Solomon also built his own house, which took 13 years to accomplish. He spared no expense. The architecture and design were unsurpassed for his day. His was a big, big house!

However, the most noted house that Solomon built was the House of the Lord. It was David’s desire to provide a house for the Lord instead of a tent, but it would be his son who made that dream a reality. It took 7 years to build the Temple, and it was the grandest Temple to ever exist in Israel’s history. Solomon took great care in decor, materials, and overlaid most everything in pure gold. He also used gifted craftsmen and rich materials to supply the Temple’s furnishings. The Temple was a glorious sight to behold! In fact, in years to come when the second temple is built, weeping is heard among the rejoicing because the second temple was no comparison with the one that Solomon built!

These are the glory days of Israel. The people are prospering and not constantly fighting. Solomon has established the throne, Israel as a world power, and his reputation as the wisest ruler in the world. Israel’s temple is the grandest sight to see. Picture perfect . . . well, almost. It would not be long until Solomon turns from the Lord, and everything turns downhill from there. The truth of the matter is God is not after the finest house, he is after the lowliest heart!

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