Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Incredible Resurrection - Acts 25-28

Due to accusations from the Jews resulting in imprisonment, Paul was afforded the opportunity to present the Gospel to many people who otherwise may not have listened. One of those individuals was King Agrippa. Agrippa was familiar with Jewish customs and debates and therefore Paul was able to relate the Gospel to him in a unique way.

It becomes clear that the resurrection of Christ is the point of contention when Paul exclaims in 26:8, “Why is it thought incredible by any of you that God raises the dead?” Christianity hangs on the historical reality of the resurrection of Christ. The Jews disputed among themselves whether there was any real resurrection at all. They all disputed that Jesus had risen from the dead. People like Agrippa, wrestled with Christian faith evidently because resurrection seemed too impossible an idea to fathom.

Paul’s question gets to the heart of the problem. Humanly speaking, Resurrection IS impossible! However, when speaking of Christ, the Incarnate God, resurrection becomes not only a possibility but a reality. God is All-powerful, even over the presence of death. The resurrection of the Messiah was an Old Testament prophecy fulfilled in Christ. The resurrection was an undeniable historical event; the tomb was empty and no body was ever produced! Eyewitnesses were dying daily because they had seen the risen Lord! However, these facts are not Paul’s confirmation of Jesus’ resurrection. Paul’s confirmation was that God, who is over all creation, can do what he chooses! Resurrection of the dead is not too difficult or too impossible for the Lord of Life and the Lord of Creation! It is not impossible if it is GOD who accomplishes it!

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