Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Friday, April 16, 2010

Middle Knowledge - 1 Samuel 21-24

Middle Knowledge is the belief that God’s knowledge includes all possibilities. He knows what will happen if we choose Path A, and he knows what will happen if we choose Path B. He just does not know which path we will choose. This is an attempt to preserve God’s foreknowledge of the future while maintaining some sense of man’s free will.

One can agree with the first component of Middle Knowledge because there are certain texts that support it. For example, in 1 Samuel 23:11-12 David asks the Lord will Saul come to Keilah and will the men of Keilah surrender him into the hands of Saul. The Lord replies “yes” to both questions. Therefore, David and his men flee from Keilah to escape the hands of Saul. So God knew what would happen should David decide to stay in Keilah. However, David decided to flee based on what God revealed to him. Middle Knowledge would affirm that God would know the outcome of David fleeing as well, he just would not know which one David will choose until David chooses.

Exhaustive Knowledge says that God not only knows all possible outcomes, He also knows which outcome will unfold. God knew what decision David would make. In fact, verse 14 says, “Saul sought him every day, but God did not give him into his hand.” God is in control of these events precisely because He DOES know all things, even the decisions of man. God’s answer to David’s question is what determined David’s action. God was directing David away from Saul in order to protect David. God is in control here. He is not “hoping” David flees; He knows David will flee because He has just told David that Keilah is a trap! There is no point in our wills in which God is unaware. He knows all!

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