Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, July 12, 2010

Bildad's Wisdom - Job 25-28

We have heard from Eliphaz and Zophar. Now we hear from the third friend, Bildad, and just like the others, he has some sound theology to offer. However, as with the others, he has misdiagnosed Job’s situation, and as a result, misapplied his theology.

“How can he who is born of woman be pure?” (25:4) A rhetorical question rooted firmly in biblical truth. This is nothing other than the doctrine of original sin. In no way is this some kind of male chauvinistic language. The gender is not the point. Being born of woman is simply a statement of fact. The point is that every human being, that is every one born of woman, is morally corrupt! (save One, who was born of a virgin!) No one is pure before God. No one is right before God. We are all guilty. We are all corrupt. We are born with a sinful nature, and as soon as we can make moral judgments, we act accordingly! Is this not David’s own assessment in Psalm 51:5? “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.”

Again, the truth of Bildad’s statement is completely accurate. His mistake is to conclude that the ONLY answer for Job’s suffering is Job’s sin. Job was certainly a sinner who deserved nothing good from God, like us all. However, God’s purposes in suffering extend far beyond the scope of man’s sin! Punishing Job was not God’s purpose. It is true that we suffer because of our sin. We all reap the consequences of our rebellious choices. However, we are sadly mistaken if we believe there is a direct connection between our sin and our suffering in every single case. The main concern for us in times of suffering is not “why” but “what for.” Trust in our Father and learn the lessons He has for us in our suffering.

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