Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Undying Hope - Job 13-16

Job 13:15 strikes one as an incredible declaration of steady, God-centered, undying hope! “Though He slay me, I will hope in Him.” That is one of the “WOW” statements of Scripture. Even more shocking is the actual rendering in the Hebrew language. “Though” can have two distinct connotations. “Though” can mean “if,” which is the likely way this verse is normally read. “IF He slay me, I will hope in Him.” However, “though” can also mean “this is going to happen,” which seems to be closer to the original. Now it reads, “He will slay me, I will hope in Him.”

Is this hyperbole? Is Job making a superficial spiritual statement here to impress his friends? Not likely! Remember Job’s present sufferings! Life is about all that Job has left! His life was the the only thing the Lord would not allow Satan to take from him. This is not shallow, holier-than-thou talk. This is real, gut-level, staring death in the face talk! Job is serious! He has nothing left on this earth but life, and even when God takes that from him, he will still hope in God! When Job dies, his hope in God will not!

How can one hope in such a God who has allowed such devastating destruction? Simply put, if God is in control of all things, if God is sovereign (and Job knows He is), then placing one’s hope in God, especially in death, is the most secure place for hope!

We do not understand the ways of God, neither did Job! We cannot answer all the questions when suffering hits home, neither could Job! When life goes topsy-turvy, we have to keep our feet on steady, solid ground. Death will come to us all, God is in control, and He alone can save! Put your hope in Him, and you will not be disappointed even in (especially in) death!

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