Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, July 12, 2010

Why Do the Wicked Prosper? Job 21-24

One of the questions that plagued Job’s soul was “Why do the wicked prosper?” Job, a blameless, godly man was enduring unspeakable suffering while observing the godless around him living in luxury and comfort. When we are striving to live for the Lord and find ourselves struggling we ask “Why?” as well. “Why do the wicked live, reach old age, and grow mighty in power? Their offspring are established in their presence, and their descendants before their eyes. Their houses are safe from fear, and no rod of God is upon them” (21:7-9). God does not answer this directly, but one can gain an insight into the answer from examining the Bible’s teaching on God’s treatment of unbelievers.

Common grace. There are certain graces, common graces, God lavishes upon all such as the sun and the rain (Matt 5:45).

Time and Location of Rewards. An evil man may be a very industrious business man, therefore, he receives high profits. The believer is laying up his rewards in heaven, to which even his suffering contributes. The unbeliever enjoys all his rewards right here and now, and then his suffering lasts forever and has no future benefit (Matt 6:2,5,16).

Prosperity or Judgment? What may seem like prospering for the wicked is in reality an increase of judgment. The more a wicked man is blessed by God and ignores God rather than worships Him, the more judgment is heaped upon his head! (Rom 1:21)

Don’t be plagued by the prosperity of the wicked during your time of suffering! Your suffering is working toward an eternal weight of glory. His prosperity is short-lived and working toward an eternal condemnation for rejecting the God who has been so gracious to him!

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