Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Lord Speaks - Job 37-40

Beginning in Job 38 a truly remarkable, phenomenal event takes place - the Lord speaks! It is what Job has been pleading for and waiting for. It is what we have hoped for. We, like Job, want to hear some answers to his questions. We want to see the Lord appear and soothe Job, and comfort Job, and reassure Job, and finally let Job in on what is taking place behind the scenes! We are sure that now Job will see how his time of suffering is part of a cosmic showdown between Satan and the Lord! We want to see the relief on his face when he at last realizes the ultimate purposes for his sufferings! But that is not to happen! Instead, He makes these points.

First, the Lord made it all! “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?” (38:4) In other words, the eternal Godhead began with nothing and created everything! The response to such infinite power and glory is not questions but awe and wonder!

Second, the Lord sees it all! “Do you observe the calving of the does?” (39:1) Not one single event, no matter how hidden, far removed, or inconsequential it may seem, not a single thing happens outside the knowledge and will of God! He is not ignorant of your life!

Third, the Lord is in control of it all! “Do you give the horse his might?” (39:19) This all-powerful, all-knowing God is totally sovereign over His creation! Nothing unfolds or occurs outside of His will, including the upheaval of our worlds!

Job’s reaction - speechless before the majesty of the Glorious One! That should be our response as well!

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