Prayer for this Project

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

Monday, July 26, 2010

Literal and Figurative - Song of Songs 5-8

Song of Songs has generally been interpreted as having a twofold meaning and application. The first meaning and application is the obvious one, the literal one. Song of Songs is a love story between husband and wife. It is a model, and example of how intense our love should be for our spouse.

Reading through this book reveals two characteristics of their love. One notices quickly that they are intimately knowledgable of one another. They describe each other in explicit detail. They have studied one another and meditated upon one another. Their thoughts have been occupied by one another.

It is also clear that these two lovers are passionate for one another. When one is absent, the other is lonely. They search for one another. They long for one another. They desire to give themselves to the other. Their love runs deep and is intense.

This is surely a model for husband and wife, but it is more than that. Song of Songs is not only beneficial in a literal sense but also in a figurative sense. Song of Songs represents the knowledgable, passionate love that exists between the Lover of our souls and our love for Him! In other words, Song of Songs is a living example of Paul’s metaphor in Ephesians 5! The Groom is Christ, the Bride is the Church, and they love one another with an intense love!

“I am my Beloved’s, and His desire is for me” is the song of the Church! The Lord knows every detail of our lives. The Lord’s love for His Bride runs deep! We respond with intense desire for Him, “Make haste, my Beloved!”

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